Chareidi Man Attacked By Arabs While On Vacation In Jerusalem


A Chareidi resident of Elad was on vacation in Jerusalem two weeks ago with his family when he was attacked without any provocation by two Arabs.

Attorney Chaim Bleicher of the Honenu legal aid organization wrote a letter to the Jerusalem District police requesting the arrest of the perpetrators.

“My client is a Jewish resident of Elad who was staying in a hotel with his wife and two sons and went to bring his suitcase from his car to the hotel,” he wrote. “Suddenly, and without any reason, two Arabs who spotted my client – who was dressed in traditional Jewish clothing – decided to attack and humiliate him.”

“When they passed him, one of them pushed him on his shoulder and the second hit him on his head with a strong blow from which he collapsed and fell to the ground. The attackers laughed and called out something unclear from which my client only understood the words ‘Al-Yahud.’ The attackers continued on their way to Rechov Yaffo, while my client got up and sat down in order to recover.”

“As a result of the attack, my client suffered from dizziness and pain in his head for several days. My client filed a complaint at the Rosh HaAyin station which was transferred to your station.”

“My client has a video of the incident that was recorded on a camera of the nearby building and it was transferred to the police when the complaint was filed.”

“This is a serious and shocking case in which a Jew is humiliated and beaten in the center of the city of Jerusalem solely because of his Jewish identity for ugly anti-Semitic motives. Due to the great importance of the war on terror, I’m requesting that you treat the attack in an appropriate manner and focus your intelligence and investigative efforts in order to locate the perpetrators.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Will democrats Ned Price and Jake Sullivan be sending the FBI over there to investigate this act of provocation?

  2. So where is the guy who says we need to grab or passports and run to Israel? Notice how they wait for a story about an attack on Jews in the US, Hashem Yashmerenu and then the Chicken Little hysterics kick in. Flee to Israel, etc. So where on earth are they when we have articles like the one up here??? Complete hypocrisy.

  3. We need to stop employing Arab labour
    Would anyone allow an supervised Rottweiler in our neighbourhoods

    Then we will get respect from
    the hooligan element of Palestinians

    Any incident like this no work for a month for ALL Palestinians

    We can’t because collective punishment is undemocratic

    One can’t be democratic with terrorism and expect safety

    Eventually they will try claim collective compensation for the cheap Labour

    Pay up now and have security let Jordan and Egypt use the cheap Labour
    Let’s see how the Palestinians get treated by their own brethren

  4. They can’t stop all the Pals working for a month because all those who live in the zionist paradise need their streets cleaned, their hospitals cleaned, the Pal nurses and doctors to continue treating them etc. etc. The Israeli governments over the years have made zion wholly dependent on those who want to destroy it. Anyone who even dreams of going to live in Isreal is crazy.

  5. @Berish
    Living in the Holy Land, even if it’s a bit more dangerous, is far more worth it than staying in Chutz Laaretz surrounded by the goyim in a sick atmosphere & culture living amongst millions of degenerates and their Tumahdike ways. EY is getting better and better by the years, the rest of the world is not. You tell me where is a better place to raise an orthodox jewish family, in beit shemesh or nyc?

    @Jerusalem observer
    the point is we are trying our best to fix these issues.

    if you and other chareidim from חוץ לארץ moved to EY to help us, all this could be done a lot sooner, and the country would run itself like the torah ideal.

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