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Chareidi Man Stabbed With Screwdriver In Arab Village

Paramedics treated the wounded man at the Nili Crossing. (Photo: MDA)

A Chareidi resident of Modi’in Illit was slightly injured after being stabbed in the Palestinian village of Deir Qaddis on Monday.

According to the 25-year-old man, he entered the village with his friend in order to buy eggs and several Arabs began to attack them at the entrance to the store in an attempt to rob them of their cell phones. During the confrontation, one of the Arabs pulled out a screwdriver and stabbed him.

The wounded man was transported by IDF soldiers to the Nili Crossing, where he was treated by MDA and Hatzalah paramedics and evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in light condition for further treatment.

The incident is believed to have been criminal in nature rather than nationalistic but the police investigation is ongoing.

In the past, Deir Qaddis was a popular village for shopping among Israelis but in recent times, Israeli security officials have warned Israelis to refrain from entering Palestinian villages for shopping due to security concerns.

In October, Shalom Sofer, hy’d, was stabbed in the Arab village of Al-Funduq in the Shomron and later was niftar of his injuries. Earlier in October, a Chareidi resident of Beitar Illit was wounded after he entered the nearby village of Husan.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. So why aren’t the Aliyah bullies screaming on this thread that “it is so dangerous here in America” that’s why to have to run to Israel and grab our passports. How conveniently missing they are here.

  2. Eretz Yisroel is infinitely safer than Chutz Laaretz in every way, even for personal safety.

    “ארץ אשר עיני ה’ אלוקיך בה מראשית השנה עד אחרית השנה”

    There are hundreds of thousands of Yidden who are עוסק בתורה in the land and the country is a strong military power. The problem here is weak Israeli leadership and caring too much about America thinks and what the UN/goyim would say.

  3. As Abba Ebban said: the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity – their hatred of the Jews is greater than their love for money or economic success.

  4. Baby Squirrel:

    You misquoted the passuk, which is, instead:
    “ארץ אשר ה’ אלוקיך דרש אתה תמיד עיני ה’ אלוקיך בה מרשית השנה ועד אחרית שנה”

    But, worse, you misused it for idolatrous Zionism (and spouted nonsense). The Zionist “State”, even before it was founded in 1948, has been the most dangerous place for Jews in the Jewish world.

    There are millions of Jews who are osek in Torah worldwide.

    The Zionist “State” is a pathetic “thug-ocracy” and bound to the will of the Nations.

    Besides that, though, the Zionist “State” is by far (as in everything else put together pales in comparison) the greatest rebellion against G-d on the planet.

  5. It was in an Arab village !!!!!!
    It’s like saying it’s not safe in NYC
    when one enters the grizzly bears cage in Central Park
    Apples with apples Israel is very safe
    Eretz Yisroel is also very safe
    And the more achdus we have the safer it becomes

  6. Katan – there is NO Zionist state. There is only Eretz Yisroel, the palace of the King, and he has granted us the opportunity to live in his palace safe, beautiful, Torahdig lives, and chutznik Yiddin have rejected the King’s invitation. That being said, we are still in golus – be smart and avoid Arab villages even if a can of coke only costs a shekel. Vinishmartem.

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