WATCH THIS INCREDIBLE FOOTAGE: Moving Bris For Baby Born After 34 Years Of Waiting

Photo: Shlomi Trichter

Hundreds on Thursday attended the emotional bris of the son of the maggid shiur HaRav Efraim Fishel Yisrael Weinberger and his wife, who was born after 34 years of marriage.

The bris was held at the Skverer Beis Medrash on Rechov Bar Giyora in Jerusalem.

The Mashgiach HaRav Don Segal was honored with sandakus, HaRav Yitzchak Moshe Erlanger and HaRav Chaim Asus were honored with the brachos, and Rav Weinberger’s uncle, the nagid Rav Ben-Tzion Frischwasser of London was honored with amida l’brachos.

The baby was named Altar Yitzchak Isaac after Rav Weinberger’s father, HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Altar Yitzchak Isaac Weinberger, z’tl the Gaon Av Beis Din of Turka and Rosh Yeshivas Degel HaTorah, z’tl, who passed away when Rav Weinberger was six years old.

Mazal Tov!

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov! Just a minor correction. Rabbi Frishwasser of London is not an uncle for Rabbi Weinberger but a brother in law. He’s an uncle for the baby.

    Hashem should help all those waiting for simches

  2. Beautiful.
    However the baby is in pain and making a long beracha of להכניסו בבריתו של אברהם אבינו causes pain for the baby as the mohel has to wait until the end of the beracha for the next part of the bris.

  3. Mazel tov to all. I can imagine when this poor kid grows up and goes online to watch his Milah which was shared with tens of thousands of yidden

  4. Gadolhadorah, this heilige neshama being brought up in this heilige home will not be going online like us losers who waste time on yeshivaworld

  5. Chayalay: I guess you are a neviah……I suspect as the world evolves, many of the next generation will be regulars on this heilege website

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