Initial Investigation: This Is How Baruch, Z’l, Was Killed

Cpl. Baruch Kabrata, z'l.

A preliminary investigation into the tragic death of Cpl. Baruch Kabrata, z’l, 19, revealed that shortly prior to midnight on Monday night, three soldiers from the Erez Battalion of the military police entered their room in the Anatot Base and prepared for bed, Kan News reported.

One of them took a weapon that didn’t belong to him that had a cartridge in it and began playing with it, causing a bullet to discharge that hit Kabrata, z’l, mortally wounding him.

As part of the investigation, the IDF will investigate why the weapon lacked the orange plastic component that is supposed to be inserted into the assembly when not in operational activity, which is intended to prevent incidents such as the accidental discharge of bullets.

A senior officer told Kan that “recently there were several delinquent incidents with weapons in the same battalion.”

The military court extended the arrest of the suspect in the shooting by a week and ordered him to undergo a mental examination at the prison base due to his unstable mental state since the disaster.

In the video seen below, Baruch, z’l, is seen dancing on Erev Simchas Torah when he was on guard duty on a yishuv.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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