WATCH: Jordanian MP On Ben-Gvir’s Visit: “Sons Of Pigs & Monkeys, Response Will Be Gunfire”

Screenshot/Twitter Gal Aharonovich

Jordanian MP Yanel Frikhat threatened Israel following the visit of Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to Har BaBayis on Tuesday, Kan News reported.

“The Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line and all the Jordanians are prepared to give up their lives for Palestine,” he said.

“We warn Netanyahu and his extremist government and ‘Ben-Chakir’ [lowly one] – the sons of pigs and monkeys should know that the response of the Jordanian people and the Palestinian people may now be in words but these words represent a volcano that is about to burst because very soon the response will be with gunfire, with the help of G-d.”

Ben-Gvir published a video of his visit to Har HaBayis in which he said: “The government of Israel will not surrender to an organization of murderers, a vile terrorist organization. Har HaBayis is the most important place for Am Yisrael. It is open to all, Muslims, Christians and also Jews.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Jordan signed a peace agreement with Israel.
    I believe that peace agreement is still valid.

    Yet even with a peace agreement, the slightest problem is enough to make a Jordanian Member of Parliament publicly scream that Jews are “sons of pigs & monkeys” and threaten violence.

    Could you imagine how they would react if there were ever a REAL problem?

    How much is that peace agreement worth, considering the violent hate that Jordanians have for Israel?

  2. If that’s their response then what is the use of the so-called “peace treaty”. We should be glad if they tear their masks off and expose it for the worthless piece of paper it’s always been. What has Israel ever got from it? The border has been no quieter since the treaty than it was before, and Israel still has to prepare for the possibility of an invasion from the east just as it did before, so of what benefit is it?

  3. It happens to be an issur deoraisa (biblical forbidden) to go to har habayis. There is also the possibility of Kores for this. In addition, all gedolim believed all along that there is an issur of misgamin beimos (meaning fighting the world while in exile). No, I’m not satmar but it is a widely accepted theme. All international bodies condemn this (including the us). There is no security issues to enable this move either. So what’s wrong with him?

  4. Rav Moshe Eisemann זצ”ל told me many years ago, that a goy who show’s his hatred you know where you stand . One who pretends to be our friend , beware . Yanel Frikhat , is showing exactly who they are !!!

  5. “The Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line and all the Jordanians are prepared to give up their lives for Palestine,” Good! Let them all go kill themselves. These Moo-Ham-heads are all perverted pigs and monkeys just like their parents.

  6. Ben Gvir is and was an idiot for making this stupid move.

    However, what value is a “peace treaty” with “allies” like this??! It’s simply a treaty of convenience for Jordan. They’d break it in an instant when convenient for them.

  7. this “jordanian” mp sounds more like a spokesperson for fatah, most likely because he is actually “falestinian”.

    if the little king hasn’t shut him up yet, it’s because jordan has decided that peace with israel is no longer important to them.

  8. I heard from a very Chosheveh Rav (for obvious reasons he does not want those guys to know his name) that many many many Tzaros that Klal Yisroel is suffering today at the hands of these blood thirsty arabs is due to our brothers that are going up to Har HaBayis.

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