Teacher From “Termites” Video Speaks: “What’s Heard In The Video Is Only A Small Part Of The Vitriol”

The video in which a secular lady in Ramat Gan spewed vitriol at a Chareidi teacher and her students created a stir in Israel as a symbol of incitement against Chareidim. The Chareidi teacher who was with the girls in the park said that the woman’s hateful rhetoric was even worse than what was heard in the video.

“We asked to have a field day for the 7th graders in the Maron Neve Park on the border of Bnei Brak and Ramat Gan,” the teacher said in an interview with the B’Kehilla magazine. “The school’s trip coordinator called the Ramat Gan municipality and asked for permission to come to the park with 150 girls, and indeed the municipality approved our request but asked that we split into small groups to mitigate the noise of 150 girls in one group.”

“So we did just that. Last Sunday, we arrived at the park and split the girls into four groups. Each group was placed in a different area. The girls behaved wonderfully, they didn’t even throw a crumb on the floor.”

“Suddenly, a young woman comes towards us with a baby in a stroller, and without any preliminary conversation, she starts yelling at us: ‘What are you doing here? Why are you coming here? You don’t belong here!'”

“What all of Am Yisrael saw in the video is only a small part of the vitriol that came out of her mouth,” the teacher said.

“I tried to stop her and reason with her but there was no one to talk to. She continued to shout. I tried to silence her and tell her that we have permission from the municipality to be in the park, but that annoyed her even more. ‘I’m going to complain about this to the municipality, how did they give you permission?’ When I saw that there was no one to talk to – I told the girls not to respond to her.”

“However, our troubles didn’t end there,” the teacher continued. “As we were on the way out of park, as we were trying to recover from the unpleasant encounter, an elderly woman being pushed in a wheelchair by a foreign worker passed by and glared at us.”

“I asked her what the problem is and she responded: ‘You don’t have parks in Bnei Brak? Why do you come here?’ Another hate attack within the same hour!”

The teacher responded to the woman’s claims that the students had broken a swing. “When she yelled at us, she didn’t mention the swing that was broken. By the way, when we arrived, the swing was already broken, and in fact, I heard a worker there reporting the broken swing and saying: “I told you it needs to be reinforced.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. This isn’t really anitsemitism, it’s the natural resentment of residents of richer towns, whose taxes pay for such amenities as parks, when residents of other towns exercise their legal right to use those amenities.

    We have the exact same thing in Connecticut, where beach towns have for decades tried their best to prevent non-residents from using their beaches. They used to simply ban non-residents from their beaches, but in 2001 the state supreme court said they can’t do that. So now they charge non-residents a lot extra for parking. The most extreme example is Westport, where a summer pass to the parking lot costs $50 if you live there or in Weston, but $775 if you don’t.

  2. milhouse, i am afraid what takes place in israel is a lot more complex. these “seculars” are often of non-jewish background (read:russian) and have a real sinna for the simple yid.

  3. may this shiksa need the help of a Chareidim ___her insanity and screams never stop until the assistance of an amazing G-d Loving and Fearing JEW

  4. I’m guessing that non-Jewish Russian immigrants are less likely to live in upscale Ramat Gan than leftist secular Jews. I believe that this woman is more likely in the latter category and has been heavily poisoned after having been fed huge doses of hate and lies by the mainstream leftist media and by politicians over a period of many years. She most likely fits the category of “tinok shenishba”. None of us has proof one way or another, but rather than name-calling (goyish/shiksa/erev rav) or cursing (מיתה משונה/jail/serious illness in which she need the guidance of Rav Firer), why not daven that she should be enlightened. Even if she is not Jewish, it still would be very helpful if someone (or rather, Someone) would open her eyes…

  5. What was her name and last name?

    It might do well if every week there should be a pilgrimage to this site by hundreds and enjoy the park that the citizens of israel help build.

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