Why Are Israelis Choking To Death On Sufganiyot?

The Israeli Health Ministry issued a statement responding to the deaths of two Israelis this Chanukah after choking on sufganiyot. A third Israeli man who choked on a sufganiya is hospitalized in serious condition.

“The painful and tragic phenomenon that we’ve been hearing about since the beginning of the Chag isn’t new to us,” the ministry stated. “We encounter cases of choking as a result of eating doughnuts almost every year – both in adults and children.”

“So why does this happen and how can you reduce the risk of choking and make eating sufganiyot safer? A sufganiya is soft but from the moment we begin chewing it, it becomes a sticky paste. Try to take small bites and it’s very important to remember: a doughnut requires intense chewing – no less than chewing a steak.”

“If you have children under the age of three; if you’re an adult with dentures/missing teeth; if you have difficulty chewing hard foods;  if you suffer from mouth dryness or a medical background that can cause swallowing difficulties – be doubly careful. Specialist doctors and speech therapists can help with treatments for swallowing difficulties.”

“Take care of yourself – a happy Chanukah is a safe Chanukah!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Here in America we have donuts throughout the year, not only in Kislev as in Eretz Yisroel. So we have many opportunities to practice the fine art of donut chewing, and are seemingly less “at risk”.

    Also, surprising enough, people actually die because Hakadosh Boruch Hu so decrees, whether or not they read instruction manuals on how to chew properly.

  2. There are foods which are harmful, but less so than these. They are …flour which has been sifted so well that no bran is left …A man who is wise, overcomes his desires, is not drawn by his appetites and eats nothing of the aforementioned unless he needs them for a medical reason, is certainly diligent. Rambam, Hilchos Da’os 4:10.

    Today, grains are often grown on depleted soil, with the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, with many additional unhealthy and stress-producing chemicals also added, such as dough conditioners, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, and more as well. Industrial oils such as canola and cottonseed were traditionally considered weeds, as they have toxic chemistry and are usually also processed with hexane and other neuro-toxins and other unhealthy chemicals. Other oils that are generally considered healthy or okay to fry with, such as coconut or palm oils, should also not be continually reheated as is typically done commercially in order to limit expenses.

  3. Ve’achaltem osoh bechipazon, it’s the most mehudardik way to eat it, also they are machmir to eat the maximum shiur in under 2 minutes.

  4. In certain bakeries there is also a different type of dough starting around Kislev time. The Challah smells like a Sufganiya. The dough sometimes is also chewier and stickier.

  5. Kachina Noone said they inhaled them or ate quickly or did anything negligent. They are Jews who died R”L. If you are not one of the rachmonim then your yichus is in question.

  6. Use an extra-soft tofu filling rather than fatty “creamy” stuff and also a whole wheat flour. Much healthier for you and lower risk of choking. They are available at your local Tikun Olam bakery.

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