Biden’s Plan For “Far-Right Israel:” Blame It All On Bibi

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Gali Tibbon/Pool via AP, File); President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

President Joe Biden and his aides have formulated a strategy for how to respond to the “far right, anti-Palestinian tilt of the incoming Israeli government: make it all about Binyamin Netanyahu,” Politico reported on Tuesday.

Two US officials told Politico that the “Biden administration will hold the presumptive Israeli prime minister personally responsible for the actions of his more extreme cabinet members, especially if they lead to policies that endanger a future Palestinian state.”

According to the report, US officials will refer only to Netanyahu in public and not to any of his partners.

“Bibi says he can control his government, so let’s see him do just that,” said one of the U.S. officials.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Biden”s plan! is that a sick joke ?
    can a demented Alzheimer diseased zombie have a plan?
    Does this filthy treasonous America hating DemonRat even realize he is President.
    This bozo has surrounded himself with vicious Marxist America hating leftist rats, they are the ones running the country, he just reads off the teleprompter what they prepare and wrote down for him.

  2. Sleepy joe must immediately vacate the White House for this heinous act of sedition of having interfered withe will of the electorate of a foreign nation, and go & take care of the upkeep of his beloved Delaware basement

  3. Biden could not find vaccine stock-pile when he came to the White House. He also missed the good relationship with Saudi Arabia, maybe Bibi can point out when it is behind a couch.

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