Termite Lady: “I Stand Behind My Words, I Don’t Like Religious People”

Image by LaterJay Photography from Pixabay

The secular lady from Ramat Gan who was videoed calling Chareidi children “termites” refuses to retract her harsh statements.

In an interview with Channel 13 News on Tuesday, she said: “That’s what I think about them – I don’t like religious people and definitely not Chareidim. That’s who I am. I definitely stand behind my words.”

She claims that the Chareidim are causing a decline in the value of the apartments in her area. “I bought an apartment in a luxury neighborhood for millions in order to have these facilities for my standard of living. But I go down [to the park] with my baby and I can’t use the playground equipment because there’s always Chareidim there.”

The director of the B’Tzalmo organization Shai Glick submitted a letter to the Justice Ministry and the Police Commissioner, demanding that a police investigation be opened against the woman. “If something like this had happened to a Jewish family abroad, the whole world would have been rightfully upset and it would have been called an antisemitic event for all intents and purposes,” he wrote. “This is no less serious, and on the contrary, it is an extremely dangerous phenomenon.”

“I urge you to take action with the Israel Police so that this incident will be investigated very seriously and the attacker will be brought to justice. We can’t allow children to feel rejected and unwanted only because of their religion and beliefs. In addition, I urge you to act to pass the law that defines harm to Chareidim on the basis of their religion as racism, as well to file a civil lawsuit against that racist woman.”

UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler stated that “for several weeks now, we’ve been warning that the incitement of Lapid and Lieberman and their friends against the democratic results of the elections could lead to violence and bloodshed against the Chareidi public. Again, Chareidi girls are attacked with antisemitic words in a public park in Ramat Gan. The woman who called Chareidim ‘animals and termites’ only because they ‘dared’ visit a public park in Ramat Gan is not the only one like this in Israel. Unfortunately, there are many of these who follow after the froth of Lieberman’s inciting lips against Shomrei Torah.”

“This is the old-new reality in the State of Israel and we must recognize it in order to know how to fight against it. If we continue to ignore the antisemitism, we’ll find ourselves in the period when they banned Jews and dogs from public parks. If the secular government does not stop the incitement, the situation on the street will only worsen. This is a warning call before the disaster that the anti-Charedi violence will bring, chalilah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. Why would she retract her words? The only reason would be political correctness and in the eyes of the goyim, political correctness applies to everyone besides for Jews. Yes, to me she’s not Jewish. I don’t care what her mother is. Spiritually, she has no shaychus to the Jewish nation.

  2. I totally don’t get it.

    She probably never saw the beauty of a true Torah lifestyle. Who in their right mind can hate true chareidim? Either ignore her, or send someone like Rav Grossman to show her what real yiddin are like.

    Continuing to fight doesn’t end well for anyone.

  3. Instead of lawsuits and fighting fire with fire and mud with mud, someone should try and open her eyes. It’s not a hard thing to do. The MOMENT she sees for just a little bit, that these are actual human beings with emotions, empathy, and lots and lots of chesed, all the hate dissipates instantaneously. It might take a little bit of time to find an opportunity, but effort should be taken to look for a “loophole” through which to insert a little bit of a personal glance into the lives of the chareidim.

    I know an Israeli who used to hate charidim to the guts. The moment is son became sick with the big disease r”l, his son joined a program run by chareidim to make the lives of children with the disease much happier and more fun. When he saw the selfless affection and dedication these chareidim gave, all of his hate disappeared instantly as though it never was, and he since has found a new love towards his people and Torah as a way of goodness and kindness…

  4. If a chareidy hatzolo man would come to save her live, she would also yell: “I hate chareidim…”?
    Why does she bother living in Israel, could go to the US or any other place with much more gashmius and now terror?

  5. ” I Don’t Like Religious People”
    I know this will come as a shock to her but at lease some chareidim don’t hold great affection for chilonim.

  6. Who cares what she says and thinks? She shouldn’t be given so much attention and this will become a non-news item. Maybe her child will become a baalas teshuva one day.

  7. To those who say that this vicious, angry woman isn’t Jewish or has lost her Jewish status due to her lowly, hateful behavior: true her behavior is unworthy and un-Jewish, but so are many of the responses such as cursing her with a horrible death, suffering or jail.
    If it were your sister who was OTD or mentally disturbed, would you curse her that way? Or would you think it is OK for others to curse her? No! You would want them to daven for her refuas hanefesh and that she should to teshuva, wouldn’t you? Well, I have news for you; she IS your sister, our sister. Very disturbed, very out of touch with her neshama, but still, she’s ours. And as Bruriah taught, “יתמו חטאים ולא חוטאים” the result of which will be “ורשעים עוד אינם” – there will be no more wicked people.
    Jew don’t curse – ניבול פה is repugnant, stooping to the level of this poor, ignorant and vicious woman who so badly needs to open her eyes and see the total, true picture. Chareidi society is not lily white, but there is much beauty and much to admire. I don’t wish that she should need Rav Firer on a personal level, but I do wish that she will be “punished” with community service: a royal tour visit all the outstanding chareidi chessed organizations. If she takes one tour a week, it will take her quite a while until she’s done because there is such a plethora of national and local organizations and gemachim that will boggle her mind. By that time, she will see a very different face of her brothers and sisters whom she now so deeply despises.
    Gadolhadorah, I know this will come as a shock to you but MOST chareidim do not despise chilonim. They may be angry at politicians and media personalities who target chareidim as the national enemy and feel hurt that they have followers. The emotion seems to be more hurt and anger than hate.
    We know that we all have a Tzelem Elokim even when it is covered with some layers of קליפות. Chilonim, tragically, don’t know that. Without that knowledge, there is no basis for self-respect and for respect of others. Sadly, there are SOME haters (see some of the comments posted above), and to them I say, please remind yourselves that even the most vitriolic chiloni still possesses a Tzelem Elokim – daven for it to be ignited and polished. And also – remind yourself and discover your own Tzelem Elokim and realize that it is not fitting for you, who possess Hashem’s Holy Spark, to respond the way you did.

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