Netanyahu Fires Back At The NYT: “Buried Holocaust, Demonizes & Delegitimizes Israel”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit); The New York Times. (Pixabay)

Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday fired back at The New York Times, which published an opinion article over the weekend entitled The Ideal Of Democracy In A Jewish State Is In Jeopardy, which claimed that a Netanyahu government will put Israeli democracy at risk and “poses a significant threat to the future of Israel.”

“After burying the Holocaust for years on its back pages and demonizing Israel for decades on its front pages, the New York Times now shamefully calls for undermining Israelโ€™s elected incoming government,” Netanyahu wrote.

“While the NYT continues to delegitimize the one true democracy in the Middle East and Americaโ€™s best ally in the region, I will continue to ignore its ill-founded advice and instead focus on building a stronger and more prosperous country.”

(YWN Israel Desk โ€“ Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I would like to see a unified call by Rabbonim, Askonim and leading Jewish organizations for a complete boycott of the NYT. Cancel subscriptions (both paper and online). No ads. And tell ALL regular advertizers that by supporting the NYT – an enemy of the Jewish Nation, these advertizers will be boycotted by the Jewish Nation.

  2. This is the same nyt that denied the holocaust until it nearly ended
    If you are interested read our crowed about the founders of the times that converted in the late 1890โ€™s they are anti America and certainly anti semitic n
    How any Jew subscribes or reads this rag is a shock

  3. The Zionists are in good company with the NY Times. The Zionists also cover-up (their involvement in) the Holocaust.

    Either way, the Zionist State is the Zionist, not Jewish, State.

  4. ‘I would like to see a unified call by Rabbonim, Askonim and leading Jewish organizations for a complete boycott of the NYT’

    Actually the Rabbonim have long ago said that it’s assur to bring it in to a Jewish home for bigger reasons than this.

  5. guteyid – more than a few of frum owned businesses advertize in the NYT. Moreso, quite s number of our leading Orthodox mosdos do the same. ENOUGH!

    A call is needed not to ืžื—ื–ืง ื™ื“ื™ ืจืฉืขื™ื that incite hatered against Jews and cause ืกื›ื ื•ืช ื ืคืฉื•ืช, by biycotting the NYT and anyone advertizing with them.

    Any issur proclaimed about bringing into the house a secular newspaper is irrelevant to the need of proclaiming to yidden of all stripes that yhere must be a complete boycott of the NYT – subscriptions (paper or online), advertizing AND advertizers.

    No less than Ben and Jerry icecream!

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