Unilever Settles With Ben & Jerry’s Over Lawsuit On Sales In Yehuda & Shomron

Unilever announced on Thursday that it settled the lawsuit filed by Ben & Jerry’s over the agreement it signed with Ben & Jerry’s Israel allowing it to sell ice cream in Yehuda and Shomron.

“Unilever is pleased to announce that the litigation with Ben & Jerry’s Independent Board has been resolved,” a statement from the company said.

Unilever did not provide further details about the settlement. However, Avi Zinger, the CEO of Ben & Jerry’s Israel, said that no changes have been made to his agreement with Unilever and he is “pleased” that the litigation has been resolved.

Ben & Jerry’s had filed a US federal lawsuit in July against its parent company Unilever to block the sale of its ice cream in “occupied Palestinian territory.”

The lawsuit claimed that Unilever breached its acquisition deal with Ben & Jerry’s, which granted autonomy to the Ben & Jerry’s board “for safeguarding the integrity of the Ben & Jerry’s brand name” and its “social mission.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Ben and Jerry , the ugly ones above….such filled with reckless hatred towards Israel and Jews…shame on them…..never to be forgiven

  2. I hope Ben and Jerry make an ice cream flavor to honor Sara Rifka. It could be vanilla riddled with nuts, and they could call it “Just Plain Nuts.”

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