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SHOCK FOOTAGE: Israeli Police Officer Points Loaded Gun At Unarmed Chareidim During Hafganah Tonight

This video is simply shocking.

A small Hafganah took place in Yerushalayim on Wednesday night, which ended with a police officer pointing his service weapon at unarmed civilians.

The reason for the Hafganah is not known, but sources tell YWN that Egged Bus number 71 to Ramot was detoured through Meah Shearim due to a Hafganah on Yechezkel Street. The bus was stopped in Meah Shearim, where someone then used a screwdriver to give the bus a flat tire.

The bus driver called police and police arrived and attempted to open the intersection to traffic. A small scuffle broke out, and the officer pulled out his loaded pistol and pointed it at the group of unarmed Chareidim.

See the shocking video below:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

36 Responses

  1. Number one unarmed doesn’t mean not dangerous. Two I wouldnt call that “pointed at” he drew his gun and had it pointing at the floor the entire time.

  2. “The bus was stopped in Meah Shearim, where someone then used a screwdriver to give the bus a flat tire.”

    Are they out of their mind?? Used a screwdiver to give the bus a flat tire?? How much Bittul Torah did they cause? How many mothers came home late to their children?? Etc. Etc. What in the world can justify that?! These guys should have gotten a lot worse. Enough with the Chillul Hashem. And the time they stole can never be repaid.

    Yeshiva World painting them as innocent is unacceptable.

  3. Why are those people protesting in a manner befitting Eisav??? Whatever happened to hashlaich al HASHEM……… Tfilah, Bitachon…. civility, midos,…. this is a very scary video. The cops may be 1000 wrong….. maybe scared wrong……. but is this a way for people who are charad lidvar Hashem to act?
    I dont know the circumstances, but one would need to explain if Daas Torah approves of this behavior on OUR part

  4. @S801 -“Yeshiva World painting them as innocent is unacceptable.”

    Clearly, you never read YWN, as there is no love displayed from YWN towards these violent animals. They still do not deserve to have LOADED GUN SHOVED IN THEIR FACES.

    On another note, you seem to insinuate that these protesters deserved a bullet to the head. Interesting. You said it. Not me “These guys should have gotten a lot worse.”

    You are a sick demented person. Doubt you are even a Yid. Not even a yichus of a ger can say they wish murder upon another Yid.

  5. We have no idea if the gun was warranted because we have no idea what the police was responding to. As far as I am concerned both sides no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt as both sides have demonstrated a callous disregard to human life and are regularly indecent. As such, I see this incident as a teiku. A plague on both your houses.

  6. The real “Nazi’s” are the anarchists in Hasidic garb they are the ones being “מנאץ ה”, shame on yeshivaworld for blindly supporting מחללי שם שמים בפרהסיא

  7. @Tipish (Appropriately named) – When did I “wish murder upon another Yid”??! To accuse me of that is pretty “sick and demented”.

    Some good “wakeup Petsch” yes, murder C”V.

    You’d say the same if you were stuck on that bus. My brothers and sisters were.

  8. The violent protesters did not have a gun shoved in their faces. The gun was pulled but never in the “shocking video” was it ever pointed at any individual, still less in any threatening manner. If these protestors had been arabs no one would have batted an eyelid. We Torah Yidden, like the heilige people seen screaming and rioting in the street, are supposed to be the cream of human society. Is this the way the cream of the cream behaves? Screaming and shouting like madmen, causing hours and hours of bittul Torah, stealing time from hundreds of other Yidden who could not get where they needed to be, damaging the property of others even if it was one of the “Zionist” bus companies who we use daily to get us from one place to another? Really calm down YWN and all those supporting these hooligans. Thanks to the police for trying to end this madness. What they are doing to these haredi thugs is called giving mussar.

  9. Could we please the part of the video where he pointed the gun? His finger was also outside the trigger guard the entire time. This is proper procedure in a violent environment. Who knows which one of these so called Charedi lunatics has a knife?

  10. they are so annoying making noises like a flock of goats and running wildy scared when they get confronted So pathetic and cringe-worthy

  11. typical Israeli police behavior, so no shock here

    all previous posters are sitting feet up in their American homes with no clue as to what goes on here in our desecrated holy city. Obviously I don’t recommend protesting and causing traffic, but in no way to do people get the descriptions listed above.

  12. @RRR Well I am not an American and I lived in Meah Shearim for quite a number of years.

    It is the local trouble makers that are the ones who like making tiny Hafganahs the whole time as well as indulging in their favourite pastimes of throwing things at tourists, chucking paint at random shops etc – well once I got to know them I realised they are simply a few very bored nutjobs! (Sadly a lot of them have sketchy yichus too).

    It’s not what the media like to portray; the average local man standing up for his (misguided) principles. For the most part it’s just trouble-makers out to cause trouble because they are that way inclined.

    And yes the police are cowards as they always go and beat up some random young passerby instead of catching the real perpetrators.

  13. Who are these people who dress up in a Jewish levush and violently attack a Jewish bus?!

    A double crime – hurting Jews and creating hate as if the Jews did the crime!

    Are these Arab terrorists or maybe Russians who came to Israel pretending to have a Jewish grandfather?


  14. Everyone knows that Israeli law enforcement And soldiers do not carry with a round in the chamber. He’d have to rack the slide to actually put a round in the chamber and make the gun lethal. It was obviously a scare tactic.

  15. Didn’t read the comments. I apologize. I’m in a rush. But I can’t miss an opportunity to inject some yashardike yashrus into the debate, of course.
    First, of course, I do see the comment from @woodman516 about @147 and Trump, shlit”a, because it currently as I write is the last one above… so let me just say: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Not Shayach!
    Now to my point: I certainly believe the police are all sick, disgusting Nazi storm troopers – that’s quite pashut, but from the video… it is very unclear what happened. Certainly the cop in general is mischayev bnafsho just by generally being meirim yad against yerei Hashem b’azus metzach, but the specific gun-pulling and its theoretical merits lu yetzuyar the sick Israeli cops were a valid entity, is u clear and ambiguous.
    I’ll reserve judgement.

  16. I see nothing shocking in this. These people should be treated exactly the same way as Arab demonstrators are treated.

    The fact that someone is “unarmed” is completely irrelevant. It shouldn’t even be reported because it makes no difference to anything. It’s a dishonest tactic used by such evil groups as BLM to create a false impression that a person is harmless, when in fact the person is a violent thug who richly deserved what he got. Michael Browne was unarmed; so what? Had Darren Wilson not killed him he would have killed or seriously injured him. And so on. These people are doing enough damage without arms, and they need to be stopped. They are acting like Esav, so they need to be stopped with Esav’s tools.

  17. Wait, was this before or after the mea shearim denizens stoned buses today for mistakenly driving through the neighborhood?

    Stoning buses , making a chillul Hashem…… like Rashi says Yosef was curling his hair, and Hashem sent the bear.

    Stop making chillul Hashem and Hashem won’t send the bear.

  18. i cant believe this,you guys wont even defend your own brothers and some of you even called them disgusting things like,i dont even want to mention it-a nazi yemach shemoi!What is wrong with you all,shtelling rubbish and saying how crazy everyone is when you are going against the mitzva of veohavta lreiecha komoicha,im sure none of you would call yourselves a nazi!i feel sick that this is should all know all of you @ujm @147 @ambicable33 @milhouse @baby squirrel @rightwriter @aml @jerusalem observer @Duvidf @S801 and finally @RABBAIM you will get your punishment in shomayim i am sure at least try take it back while you can.sickos.

  19. Such Sina yisrael always shows up here.
    Just imagine this would happen in the USA, UK etc, there would be absolute outrage. And DEFINITALEY so if roles were reversed.
    But no, so long as it’s the chareidim who have a gun pointed at (by a mix of Russian mafia and other criminals-turned police officers), it makes no difference, it wasn’t really taken out, or just for a few seconds? Oh and yeh, belittle taking out a gun on a resident, it’s nothing to worry about really isn’t it?
    Imagine you were stuck in the western bank somewhere and this kind of a scene played itself out in the form of PA police, would you also say the same that he didn’t really pull out a gun, or he only did so for a few seconds and then put it back.
    What a bunch of self hating coward half-baked jews you are!
    Just as the fathers of zionism worke with and sometimes for the NAZI’S, the same is today.
    just one difference:
    Dr. Fisher and his son-in-law Kastner (ym”sh) wore SS uniforms, and were official under officers of Eichmann ym”sh, so are todays israeli police, just they do it under a banner of apparent Judaism (sic).
    wake up and raelise yu support nazi’s!!

  20. actually this is quite the terrible happening. I witnessed the pulling of the gun and there innocent bystanders and mochon rayah seminary bochurettes this is tragedy and is a showing that the yemai hameshiach must come soon or hashem will bring the BEAR…

    i cannot stand idly by while fellow yidden talk so much trash to each ohter isntead coming together and fighting the true enemy your YETZER HARA!!!!

    until i seee a video of a tzioni protecting and hugging a chuosid i will not stop my rampage on the hate among fellow yidden it is not okay and all of you should go the beis medrash and learn instead of wasting your time on YWN bunch of bums cant believe im here giving mussar to you
    SIncerely your average good jewish SENTERSBOCHUR who believes and keeps all 613!!!! Mitzvos given directly to us holy people from hakodoh baruch huuuuu on har sinai through his shliach moshe the goat RABBEINU!!!!!!!! have a guten week AND A FREULICHEN CHANUKAH AND MAY WE SEE MASHIACH IN OUR DOR BEMHEIRA BEYAMEINU AMEN!!!

    You have to be extremely careful with your wording.
    The Gemarah says (can’t remember exactly where) that if rebuking someone you shouldn’t say that one will be judged in heaven for what they did. It states that if one says that, THEIR book in shomayim will be opened and they will be judged!

  22. GEVAAAAAALT, the police are my brothers. The people on the bus are my brothers. The drivers stuck in traffic are my brothers. They are our fellow Jews, and where is your love for them? The hooligans who are causing all this destruction and violence? They are not showing any brotherly love, so why should they be treated with any? They are acting like Esav, let them be treated with Esav’s hands.

  23. milhouse dont pick and choose your brothers they are all our brothers but that wasnt my point the point was you can not call them the names which you are calling them eg esav.please dont turn the conversation around because my point is you are calling them disgusting things and you should stop now and the gemara says (i cant remember where) if you call someone a bad name that is exactly what you are.i think we can see this here.enough said.

  24. SentersBOCHUR613,man your the GOAT of this age mate what a legend this is one of my fist real comments all the others are similar to yours,telling guys to shut up but these comments posted by these sickos made me reply but ultimately your right,slowly ill limit my time on YWN and eventually be off it and i hope you will also be off it as well.

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