Gitty Kleinerman: “I Haven’t Slept A Full Night In Nine Months”

The Kleinermans meet with members of the Israel Dog Unit in Meron. (IDU)

The search for Moishe Kleinerman resumed on Monday morning in the Meron area, instilling a bit of renewed hope among the members of the family.

In an interview with Reshet Bet, Moishe’s mother, Gitty Kleinerman, spoke about the information that led to the resumption of the search and also revealed a bit of the feelings, longings, and daily struggle she and her family members have been enduring since Moishe’s disappearance nine months ago.

“It’s a life that’s not a life,” Gitty began the interview. “A life of survival – days, weeks, months.”

Regarding the information that led to the renewal of the search, she said: “My brother-in-law brought us new information about a new area. We cross-referenced his information with the police and they are the ones who decided – we’re going to cover this area with all our resources.”

Gitty describes what she and her family have endured since Moishe disappeared: “I think that I haven’t slept through the night even one night for the last 260 days. If I continue to describe how much I’ll miss him, I’m afraid I’ll burst into tears.”

Gitty expressed her appreciation for the police and other bodies who are organizing the search: “Obviously as a mother, I want the best. But what they’re giving is a lot – with all their hearts, with the newest technologies.”

In response to the question, “If you could tell him one thing, what would you tell him?” she responded: “I would tell him that I love him with every fiber of my soul. We believe that whatever HaKadosh Baruch Hu decrees for us is the best for us. We’re hoping for the best.”

The public is asked to continue davening for Avraham Moshe ben Gittel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. please come home…..Avraham Moshe ben Gittel………all of the World and especially the country of ISRAEL is searching for you…..

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