Women Of The Wall Decry Gender Discrimination Over Menorah’s Placement

Western Wall Heritage Foundation

The Women of the Wall group sent a letter of protest to the Director-General of the Religious Ministry protesting the placement of the Chanukah menorah in the men’s section of the Kosel plaza.

“This year, like every year, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation is planning to light Chanukah candles at the Kosel, with the participation of elected officials, on every day of the Chag,” the letter states. “To our dismay, instead of placing the menorah in the central Kosel plaza, the Kosel Rav places it every year in the men’s section of the Kosel, thereby preventing women from taking an active part in the ceremony.”

“This constitutes a blatant exclusion of women and discrimination on the basis of gender in a public place managed by an official representative of the State of Israel. The injustice is especially evident in light of the fact that there is a simple and practical solution – as mentioned, placing the menorah in the upper central square.”

“We strongly protest against this sham that occurs every year at the Kotel and request that the Kotel Rav be instructed to refrain from this unacceptable practice of excluding women during Chanukah, and to ensure that this year, women are fully and equally included in the central candle-lighting ceremony in the main square of the Kosel.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


11 Responses

  1. They have a point: גם הם היו באותו הנס but אילו היה שם לא היה נגאל!
    They are the very antithesis to this particular holiday of Chanukah celebrating the defeat of the Yevonim (goyim) and Misyavnim (Reform Jews R”L).

  2. Since every woman can EASILY have a menorah in her own home, NOBODY is being excluded from participating in the menorah ceremony – as they falsely claim.

    These so-called “Women of the Wall” are professional propagandists and trouble-makers, whose goal is to inspire international hate against Torah, and against all those who believe in Torah.

    They start by claiming that they only want equality.
    So they become “Rabbis” in Reform and Conservative synagogues.

    But once they get established, eventually the male “Rabbis” resign or get pushed out, until only-female “Rabbis” remain in Reform and Conservative synagogues.

    This is their strategy, that radical-Feminist and Far-Leftists have used many times, with great success for their evil causes.

  3. How about looking at it from a Halachic perspective , (for a change).

    Lightening a Menora by the Kosel with a Bracha is only justified because it’s a Beis HaKnesses . There are Halachos where a Menora is lit in the Beis HaKnesses .
    I have not seen any orthodox Shul where the Menora is lit in the hallway so that the women won’t be “excluded” by the indignity of having the Menora lit in the men’s section….

  4. why give every lunatic group a platform. Who cares what they say they are a minority amongst the masses. Whats the point togive them any attntion

  5. The Hasmoneans would probably slaughter them all with one strike – knowing their attitude.
    not saying it’s right – just saying….

  6. They have a point in this case. No reason why the menorah shouldn’t be in a public area. It used to be in the kosel plaza, why the change?

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