Israel To Lebanon: “We’ll Bomb Beirut Airport If Used For Iranian Arms Shipments”

Meraj Airlines

Israel warned Lebanon that it could bomb its airport in Beirut if it allows Iran to use it to transfer weapons to Hezbollah, the UK-based Asharq Al-Aswat newspaper reported over the weekend.

The warning came after a report last week by the Saudi al-Arabiya outlet that Iran shipped weapons to Beirut International Airport on Meraj Airlines, which recently launched a direct route from Tehran to Beirut.

The report quoted Israeli sources as saying that Israel is investigating the report and will not hesitate from striking the airport in Beirut if it indeed has become a conduit for Iranian arms to Hezbollah.

In the past, Iran delivered arms to Hezbollah vis the Damascus airport in Syria but the practice has reportedly come to a halt after Israel bombed the site multiple times, disabling the airport for all civilian flights.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Given the US and the EU will be unhappy if Beirut gets bombed, and that Israel is dependent on support from them (especially the US) it suggests this is a job for Mossad and not the Air Force.

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