Arabs Arrested For Forcing Chareidi Man To Kiss Their Feet, Posting On TikTok


Israel Police arrested two Arab residents of the Old City of Jerusalem for allegedly humiliating a Chareidi man and then posting a video of it on Tiktok.

In the video, which was filmed in the Old City, the two are seen treating a Chareidi man in a demeaning manner, forcing him to kiss their hands and feet.

As soon as the police received a report about the TikTok video, they began a search for the culprits. They quickly located and detained the suspects, Arab teens aged 16 and 14.

The suspects were arrested last week and brought for a hearing in court, where their detention was extended for four more days.

“A quick response by the Israel Police last night in the wake of a video that was distributed on the ‘TikTok’ network led to the detection and arrest of two suspects after they humiliated a man in the Old City of Jerusalem,” a police statement said.

“The Jerusalem District of the Israel Police will continue to fight against crimes of abuse, violence, and humiliation and bring those involved to justice. Documenting such wrongful acts and spreading them on social media is even more serious, and the perpetrators were aware that documenting the act will only assist the police in gathering evidence, locating those involved, and quickly arresting them.”

“The Jerusalem District Police is constantly working on locating and dealing with suspects who commit acts of violence, abuse, and degradation.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. And some jews argue that we shouldn’t be physically strong. These kids can do this to a grown man!! They should have had their heads cracked in half. In our own land we are terrorized by filth of the earth.

  2. In the early 18oo’s the Arabs used to forced Jews to get completely undressed. Once they did it to I forget which Rov of Yerushalayim, according to the book about Rav (Yosef) Chaim Zonnenfeld. Even in Eretz Yisroel we are in galus. The time has not yet come for the Chareidim to rebel against the Arabs. What the childonim do I cannot say (but I hope they prosecute them to the full extent of the law).

  3. Cut off their arms and legs! Burn them alive! Pour hot iron in their eyes! Torture them! Horrify them! Make them wish they were dead and then grant them that very wish!

  4. The fact that they are still ALIVE says a lot about the Israeli government. Stop being nice like Shlomo Hamelech, kill them! Yes, it includes children

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