Senator Obama Meets with Jerusalem Mayor Lupoliansky

In an unexpected move, Senator Barak Obama on Wednesday evening found a slot to jam another meeting into his already overloaded schedule. He met in the King David Hotel with Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky and a number of terror victims.

The mayor called on Obama to retract his retraction, namely to stand behind his original statement made to an AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) audience declaring Jerusalem the eternal undivided capital of the Israel.

Obama later retracted his statement, explaining to opponents of such a reality that the future of Jerusalem would be determined in talks between Israel and the PA.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Wow! Now we should all vote for him!
    Let’s be real – this is all pre-election talk.
    Hashem Yerachem for the “day after” if he gets in.

    In the same way that he retracted his statement to Lupoliansky, he will retract all his other pro-Israel statements and sentiments.
    Yidden don’t be fooled by this!

  2. Nobody accepts orders about how to “feel.” Obama hates Jews, his muslimofascist supporters hate Jews, and Lupolianski is in denial.

    World Jewry lacks leadership. World Jewry refuses to cope with Jew-hatred. Mashiach will come and point out the phonies.

  3. Obama went to the Kosel, spreading out his campaign posters all around the Kosel.

    And then one man at the Wall began repeating: “Obama, Jerusalem is our land! Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale!”

    He kept saying this for Obama’s entire 10 minutes at the Wall, refusing to stop despite repeated entreaties to do so from the entourage.

    Obama chatted with the men with whom he’d come to the Wall, before walking to the Wall to place a note he had previously written in the Wall.

    The protester, continued repeating his words.

    Obama turned from the Wall and walked back to his crowd. Some young men tried their best to drown out the protester, chanting, “Obama! Obama! Obama!”

    After shaking some hands, Obama got back in his motorcade and headed to the airport.

    “It was rowdier than the last time I was there, you know?” Obama told reporters on the plane. “I mean, people were sort of, like, holerin’. You know I was expecting more reverence.”

  4. Joseph- He was right. If there is any spot on this world for reverence , it would be the Kosel. Of course, he should not be electioneering there, either.

  5. Obama, who will be elected President, may be young enough and certainly educated enough to “try” to be a good president.

    While I don’t support either of the presidential candidates since they accept the absurd idea of a Palestinian state within a “sovereign nation” with “defensible” borders, Obama may certainly be a whole lot better than Lame McCain.

    Firstly, McCain has no connection to Israel. He did not even vote on the Congress move to stop Israel’s advance into Lebanon in the summer of ’06. Obama voted for Israel to continue it’s fight. As you know, the Congress voted against Israel moving into Lebanon and Israel stopped their advance shortly thereafter.

    Again, I am not supporting either candidate, but am hoping for the best for who will be the next one in the White House.

    Here are some interesting facts:

  6. veryinteresting,

    I was looking allover for you and am glad to have finally located you. We have verified your complimentary lifetime membership in the DNC and your status as a “Gold Member” of Team Obama.

    P.S. Which Congressional vote are you referring to? The U.S. Congress didn’t vote on “Israel moving into Lebanon.” Maybe you can twist some other vote into that, and we’ll be able to add it to (It may fool a few Jewish voters into voting for us!)

    Keep up your good work. And always remember to qualify all your public postings with the qualification that you are DEFINITELY NOT an Obama supporter. It helps our cause.

  7. #8 – Time will surely tell, but I disagree with you political analysis that Obama will win. For a variety of reasons, including too much baggage and radical associations, I don’t think Obama stands a chance of winning middle/mainstream America or the electoral college. Its likely to end somewhere between McCain winning by a considerable margin to McCain winning by a squeaker (as most recent Presidential elections have been.)

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