A teacher at the Yahalom elementary school in Ramat Gan hung shockingly inciteful photos of Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu in front of a noose, dressed as Hitler, and depicted as a pig in the hallway of the school.
The display also included inciteful statements such as “the wrong brother was killed,” “traitor,” and “the most senior criminal in the world.”
Ramat Gan Deputy Mayor Moshe Revach published the photos, writing: “A swastika and noose – this is the hallway of the Yahalom Elementary School in Ramat Gan!! This madness must be stopped!”

“Many parents contacted me tonight with great concern after their children told them what happened today. I contacted the director of the education department, Mrs. Ronit Padlon, who was shocked by the photos and is now conducting a comprehensive investigation.”
In the wake of the publication, the Likud party filed a complaint to the police.
The Ramat Gan municipality stated: “A teacher from the school hung the shameful photos on his own accord in the school’s hallway. We view the incident with great severity – he has been summoned for a hearing.”
Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton summoned the teacher and principal of the school for an immediate hearing. “Incitement and abuse against elected officials will not take place in our schools,” she said. “We are committed to maintaining a respectful democratic discourse in Israeli society in general and in the education system in particular.”
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
16 Responses
This wicked evil savage teacher ימח שמו וזכרונו needs to immediately be placed inside a gas chamber with the gas spigots turned on at a public square, for all to witness in no uncertain terms ובערת הרע מקרביך
I remember in Israel when right wing people did those exact same posters to Y. Rabin. There will always be extremists on either side.
That being said: He actually was the 1st PM in the world in the world to introduce the Vax Green Pass (Tav Yarok) akin to the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935 excluding “undesirable citizens” from society. That’s why he can “never again” have my vote, eventhough sadly there’s currently no else qualified.
And these same chilonim fight tooth and nail NOT to allow Shuvu schools to exist in Israel.
Not getting involved. 7:59 pm.
these same chilonim who fight against frum schools,actually agree with this sewer rat of a teacher.
> jpa
You are equating a teacher and school in this article to a minor who was led astray by Shabak agent provocateur Avishai Raviv?
Jpa, stop your outrageous comparisons of Tav Yarok to the Nazi Laws. The Tav was meant to save lives! According to you, a government can never enforce anything.
to compare government mandated vaccination to Nazism, is beyond the pale.
You must be either an evil monster yourself, or criminally insane,or both
Please go check yourself into the nearest mental asylum for the criminally insane
@georgeg: regardless who started, I saw many people rallying with those Rabin in SS uniform posters. I was disgusted then as I am disgusted now.
1. Learn your history: everything in Germany was INITIALLY done under a health pretext. The Jews were considered unsanitary and full of disease and that’s why they implemented the green pass of the 30s to keep them out from exposing the Aryan populace.
2. Learn more about current events: Israel knew fully well early on that it did not protect from transmission in any form, and it was never even part of Pfizer’s intention. One of the reasons they went ahead is companies expected to license their QR pass software to other countries, which they eventually did.
Regardless, no government should ever mandate any experimental medical procedure or deliberately create two classes of citizens. Outrageous? that’s for everyone else to decide and hopefully in this world’s courts (Nuremberg 2).
Criminal charges. Sad for any Jew to state this. In Israel. Disgusting. No one has that freedom to our PM.
Jpa: 1. Totally not true. The “unsanitary Jews” was neither the original nor the main accusation of the Nazis. You need to learn the history! 2. Enough with the outrageous conspiracy theories! The governments were trying ti fight an the pandemic using the vaccines. They were right to do so. Experimental procedures — enough of the anti-vaxx garbage!
If this is the way a school allows teaching to be done, it should be closed down immediately. What sort of education can you expect to come out of such a place?
mdd1: Facts don’t really care about your feelings. You view some of the very original Nazi propaganda ads on health and blood purity on encyclopedia[dot]ushmm[dot]org (don’t think this site allows for live links).You can independently verify everything I posted, yesterday’s media labeled conspiracy theories is today’s truth.
Unlike you, I AM pro-vax (for REAL viral-sterilizing vaccinations that provide long-term immunity and have longer term safety profile.) Disinformation like yours has done nothing but hurt this cause.
@chugibugi you clearly missed the part where I said I was disgusted of any Nazi uniform portrayal of both Bibi & Rabin.
However, as avid reader of the Holocaust and descendant of survivors, I am against…
1. any coerced form of medical experimentation, be it from Dr. Mengele’s team ym”sh at Aushwitz or to a MUCH lesser degree the what was done via EUA nowadays. The post-war Nuremberg Trials and laws of Informed Consent were passed precisely for this.
2. The segregation of societies and granted access to services based some form of passport. Whether it says J for Jude or V for vaxed.
Despite the huge amount of difference and scale, I see the fundamental elements for comparison. If that makes me “a monster or criminally insane”, indeed we are in Olam Hafuch and we haven’t learned our lessons from history.
Wow, people already forgot how bad hitler and the holocaust was for the Jews. Hopefully Hashem doesn’t give them a rude awakening because last time 6 million Jews were killed in the process
Jpa, 1)unlike you I did not learn history from internet links. 2)Anyway , to compare tav yarok to the Nazi passes is an outrageous thing. I do not want to discuss it with you anymore as I believe you do not have good judgment at all.
mdd1, I’m sorry your cognitive dissonance doesn’t let you realize that any bit of evil is still evil. I often question my judgment, but not in this case. I’ll end with that.