Barak Obama: I Am Committed to Israel’s Security

obb.jpgUS Presidential candidate Barak Obama during his Jerusalem visit announced his commitment to Israel’s security, assuring high-ranking government officials that if he is elected president, he will not turn his back on Israel.

During his meeting with President Shimon Peres, Senator Obama stated, “I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States and my abiding commitment to Israel’s security and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner, whether as a US senator or as president.”

Obama laid a wreath at the eternal flame in the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum and packed in a number of high-level meetings, including Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Barak, Foreign Minister Livni, opposition leader Netanyahu and in Ramallah with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

In the PA, he tried to allay fears of the US bias towards Israel, explaining Jerusalem’s future will be determined in talks between Israel and the PA. PA official Kadoura Fares however told the senator that his correction regarding his recent remarks that “Jerusalem must remain the undivided capital of Israel was insufficient, stating he should have publicly recognized “the Palestinian right to freedom.”

Mr. Obama toured Sderot with the foreign minister and at 10:15PM Wednesday night, he will be making a visit to the Kosel. He leaves Israel on Thursday morning.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

32 Responses

  1. I don’t believe it’s enough that the politicians visit Sderot and the Kosel; they should also be directed to visit Kever Yosef (that was ransacked and destroyed by the enemey numerous time), Kever Rochel (that has a concrete fortress surrounding it and its approach), and holy sites within Eretz Yisroel that Jews aren’t even allowed to visit.

  2. He is a LIAR!!! A great big liar!!!!!! He now wants to nominate Chuck Hagel to be his vice presidential running mate.

  3. uh uh uh uh osama hussein uh obama, you are a lier! you have uh uh uh uh said the opposite before and you will uh uh uh uh say it again.

    go back to chicago with your lack of record on service to this country. 175 days as a senator doesnt give you the ability to be president.

  4. Barak Hussein Obama will say whatever his audience of the moment wants him to say. And in a week when he meets an opposing group, he’ll “change his mind” and retract his former statements.
    It’s an OBAMAnation!!!

  5. seems like Obama would do a fine job flipping burgers at McDonalds. Why bother with stuff that your tiny brain can’t handle?

  6. Eretz Yisroel was never and will never be cotrolled by any politition or President, what ever happened and will happen is direct from the one above, even if Obama hates israel his hands will be tied- History of previous presidents proofs it.

  7. Grodno- Would you want a muslim, monkey, inexperienced, liar to run this country? Maybe you should think about it before voting day.

  8. #12- grodno
    Obama is a blown up balloon filled with air. He has nothing substantial to offer, he just keeps repeating his empty slogans like, “change.. change” but doesn’t give us a clue as to HOW he is going to change anything.

  9. grodno – I shudder when I think how many more minds are thinking like you.

    Also, the last sentence of the article should read “Baruch Hashem! He leaves Israel on Thursday morning.”

  10. nice- I totally agree. How many well-meaning yidden have been swept up by his empty promises!

    grodno- the picture alone of a joyous hussein obamanation with the leader of hamas should say a thing or two about him.

  11. Like him or not he is going to be the next prez. Unless the gop can pull off an oct suprise or another 9-11 they will lose the white house.
    Bush has spent 12 billion A MONTH on this “war” with nothing but death and 4 bucks a gallon to show for it. Obama isn’t the man for the job, but if he wins the republicans have only themselves to blame.

  12. z,
    you are drinking liberal kool aid which is not kosher.

    i dont know where you get your facts from but even if its 12m a month, you need to pay the soldiers no matter what they are doing. WAR COSTS MONEY.

    We are winning the war regardless of what you or your left wing liberal media is feeding you. Even they, from time to time, slip and are modeh that WE ARE WINNING.

    The $4 a gallon has little to do with the war. It is related to the fact that YOU LIBS wont allow us to drill in places where we have the oil. Did you know that the USA’s biggest supplier of oil is…… THE USA. Canada and Mexico are next. We hardly get oil (30% maybe) from the middle east. The problem is that we need more for ourselves and there isnt enough of it because some of your buds are concerned about the mating habits of some stupid animal which has been proven a hoax over and over again.

    If we DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW, we will SAVE MONEY! This was proven right away last week as oil dropped by 20 dollars since the president’s annoucement of additional drilling. Of course if we used CLINTON logic here, we wouldnt want to drill b/c it would take 10 years to get it to market. Thats what happened 10 years ago so blame the gas prices on Der Shlickmeister himself.

    Get off the Kool Aid ’cause you are missing out on a lot.

  13. (1) He is showing a great deal of dignity in the face of the slanders that this and other internet sites face.

    Dignity my foot. Most of the “slander” you refer to is the truth.
    His Islamic heritage is the truth.
    His 20+ year close association with a racist/anti-semitic/anti-American pastor is the truth.
    His inexperience is the truth. (He is a freshman Senator, and less than 4 years ago was a local State legislator. Thats all he’s got.)
    His talking big, doing little is true.
    His flip-flopping is the truth. (Jerusalem, etc.)

    (2) He also showed a great deal of dignity in the face of the attacks of the Clintons and their surrogates in the primaries.

    Dignity my foot (again.) He lacks any of it.

    (3) He is clearly one of the smartest people ever to run for President. The University of Chicago Law School, well known as a bastion of conservativism (I’m not being sarcastic) offerred him a tenured professorship. His policies, while you may disagree with thim, will always be well thought out. (Even now, some of McCain’s are not.)

    Universities (any) are NOT the barometer of intelligence.
    Additionally, intelligence is not the barometer of success.
    (Further, success is not the barometer of virtue.)

    (4) With his background, he could have taken the big money and gone to work for a big corporate law firm. Nothing wrong with that, but he chose to serve the public, which used to be considered noble.

    Background? What background? It’s quite a shallow “background.” He is a novice and lacks ANY experience to be President of the United States of America and Commander-In-Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

    Shallow political background (plus no military experience.)

    A freshman Senator and prior just a local State legislator.

    What other EXPERIENCE does he posses to lead the free world and command the most powerful earthly armed forces on the planet?

    (5) He is one of the more inspiring political speakers of this generation.

    As I said. An airbag. Thats all he is.

    (Not to compare, but Hitler was very “inspiring” to the Germans.)

  14. illini07 –

    His FATHER was a Muslim.

    AND he, Barack Hussein Obama, was registered as a MUSLIM in grade school in Indonesia.

    (Additionally, Islamic law states that anyone born to a Muslim father is Muslim.)

  15. It seems like Obama will win the election in November.

    He certainly is young enough to think that change is possible and that it matters to do a good job in the White House.

    He certainly is intelligent and very well educated, so he does have a good chance at making things better.

    While it is true Obama has littl “mileage” to really evaluate how he will fare as a president, we already know that his opponent, John McCain, while certainly an unbelievable hero for his dedication to his fellow Americans in not accepting early release from unthinkable tortures, unless his fellow men were released with him, rates politically, at best, as worn, hack-kneed, and incompetent, with Arizona in worse condition than the way even Bush is leaving the US.

    I am not supporting either candidate for a few reasons:

    1. My candidate uncharacteristically chickened out in way back in Florida. Has hardly been heard from since. He showed how the word “leadership” can be an action verb.

    2. Both candidates support a palestinian state, heaven forbid, in Israel, which they both say is a “sovereign nation” with “defensible borders.”

    I think it is childish how some people think that since Obama has the middle name Hussein, that he will run through the White House in arab garments tossing molotov cocktails, so to speak.

    It is equally childish to think since John McCain looks like the nice, white, conservative gentile many would want to support, he is no republican. As Anne Coulter said about him regarding some who say he is good with reaching out to the other side of the aisle and will get things done, she said, “John McCain does not just reach out to the other side of the aisle. He sits with them, wears their uniform, and cheers their cheers.”

    I do remember a few summers back, when Israel was finally making headway up into Lebanon, against the assault of missiles landing inside of Israel, that when Lebanon cried that Israel was taking unfair advantage, the American Congress voted for Israel to cease it’s move to defend itself. Israel did stop.

    Barak Obama was one of the few senators who voted that Israel should be allowed to continue it’s military intiative. John McCain abstained in that vote. There could be a reason for that, which reminds me, McCain has been around a long time, yet, he seems to have no connection to Israel as compared to other politicians who at least bother to make believe they have a connection.

    While I am not supporting either candidate, for reasons already stated, I found some interesting things about Obama and Israel. I am not sure of their truth or accuracy and I am not vouching for him. I just find this information surprising.

  16. illini07 —

    1) His father died a Muslim, albeit reportedly a non-practicing one.

    3) He was registered in the rosters of the Catholic school (which accepts non-Christians) as a Muslim.

    The fact of the matter is you are wrong. I am pointing out FACTS, even though some Obama would like to whitewash some of them. I never said he IS currently a Muslim.

    Finally, I am not “attempting to make Jews afraid of him.” Jews ALREADY ARE afraid of him, including many of your liberal Jewish brethren.

    (Also, based on your worldview should you not be denouncing the idea that being Muslim is bad? You have accepted the premise all along in this conversation that being Muslim is bad. Your liberal hashkafas, as enumerated countless times on this site, demands otherwise.)

  17. #28 – Time will surely tell, but I disagree with you political analysis that Obama will win. For a variety of reasons, including too much baggage and radical associations, I don’t think Obama stands a chance of winning middle/mainstream America or the electoral college. Its likely to end somewhere between McCain winning by a considerable margin to McCain winning by a squeaker (as most recent Presidential elections have been.)

    Also, the Zionists in power today officially support a 2 state solution, so it is practically impossible to expect any US President (or candidate) to be more Israeli than the Israelis.

    Coulter is a zoineh gomer. Whatever she does is irrelevant trash. You are correct though that McCain is hardly conservative or a good Republican. But he is what we are stuck with. As they say, if your team is not in the World Series, you support the team you hate less.

    “the American Congress voted for Israel to cease it’s move to defend itself.”

    That never happened. The US Congress has no jurisdiction over Israel’s wars. AND the US Congress (both parties), is staunchly pro-Israel. If you wish to refute this, please specify the specific Congressional bills (or resolutions) by numbers you are referring to.

    Gee, you are surprised what the Obama people put on their own website claiming support of Israel? What did you possibly expect? A pro-Hamas statement?

  18. illini –

    It is ONLY relevant due to the vociferous denials Obama keeps issuing. What is he afraid of?

    If you accept that Islam is acceptable, and would not mind an Islamic President in America anymore than you would a Christian one, why do you so strongly deny Obama’s Islamic heritage?

  19. BTW illini, I do not presume a Muslim is per se necessarily anymore anti-semitic than a Christian. In fact, through most of our history we have enjoyed more cordial relations with Muslims than Christians.

  20. Illini07- I suggest you don’t say a word anymore. Obama is a horrible horrible horrible animal and a Muslim too.

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