Israel: Dichter Calls to Raze the Terrorist’s Home

2-91.jpgOnce again, some three weeks after a terrorist struck in Yerushalayim, a second bulldozer terrorist struck, and once again the terrorist was an Israeli Arab, a resident of the capital.

Once again, Minister of Public Security Avi Dichter is calling to demolish the home of the terrorist, which is located in the Um-Taba neighborhood of Yerushalayim.

Dichter is calling to demolish the home of the 2nd Bulldozer terrorist, Hussam Duwiyat, the third Yerushalayim Arab involved in a major terror attack since March, when a terrorist murdered eight students in Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva.

Dichter stated demolishing the home of the terrorist is the most effective sanction and it will indeed serve as a deterrent to future attacks.

Jerusalem Police Chief Franco stated that it is impossible to prevent every such attack.

In the case of the first bulldozer terrorist, Defense Minister Ehud Barak also called to raze the home. Attorney General Menachem Mazuz confirmed there is no law preventing the government from demolishing the house, but warned the move might incur condemnations from the international community.

In the meantime, the homes of the two previous terrorists, from the yeshiva attack and the first bulldozer terrorist have not been razed or sealed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Forget the razing, they can have another home built in a weeks time. Confiscate and revoke their Israeli citizenship, stop paying them bituach leumi and all the other cash support that the govt gives their Arab citizens.

  2. seems to me that these so called “smart, big people” have the least sense in there heads. What exactly are they gaining form demolishing these homes? I can scream so loud now. This is ridiculous!
    Kill some arabs instead. The house wont do any harm, and that terrorist is already gone anyway. This is not a way of teaching them a lesson!!!!!!!

    An arab who does an attack and knows he’ll be killed as a result, couldnt care less what will happen to his home, and certainly not where his family will live when their home is demolished.

    Punish them with something that will scare them to their wits.for each attack. get rid of some of theirs. Scared theyll take revenge? They will attack us again anyway, call it terror attack or call it revenge- same thing!

    You people have it all figured out wrong. I wish you are reading this comment, Dichter. Im not thw smartest at all, but you aint gotta be too smart to realize this. Please everybody, come to your senses.

  3. Who cares what the international community thinks or says. They have no right to deal with an internal matter. Besides, sechel dictates that there must be some true deterrent.

  4. Suspend every Arab worker for a month or so. Tearing down a house will not stop copycat fakers who really just want to show how “religious” they are. We all know what they say the koran teaches; “Hate and Kill.”
    The Arabs have Dichter exactly where they want him. First they scream bloody murder at the horrible idea that Israel will demolish the house. But they are not concerned about that at all!
    Israel’s government thinks the Arabs hate that. Yes, they’d rather have the house but secretly they are extremely glad that the liberal Jews won’t suspend all the Arab workers for three weeks. They are also glad the Jews don’t kill Arabs in retaliation. Ohlmert really wishes that “peace” will come because that would overshadow his failure during that summer war and his corruption when he accepted cash in envelopes. He is like Bush. They both are going down with bad ratings and they are both trying desperately to leave some kind positive memory.

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