Hizbullah Offers to Provide Additional Information

nasrallah.gifIn a move that has some astounded, Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon offering to assist in providing information concerning the missing IDF soldiers from the 1980s, namely Zachariah Baumel, Tzvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz and Ron Arad. The UN chief stated the letter is dated July 7th.

In a letter to the current president of the UN Security Council, Vietnamese Ambassador Le Lunong Minh, Ban said that Nasrallah “declared his readiness for participation in the remaining humanitarian cases of Israeli MIA (missing in action) of the 1980s.”

According to a Kol Chai Radio report, the terrorist leader indicated a willingness to assist in return for Israel’s release of women and children.

No Israeli response to the report has been released.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. I already know the special NEW news hisbowla…The Jews mentioned are all dead, but the bones will be returned as soon as Israel releases 3,00 terrorists from jail.

  2. women and children????

    on the other hand, i agree:

    lets release ALL arab / muslim women and children to lebanon; forbid them from ever coming into ALL of israel — east bank, west bank,. aza, yerushalayim, tel aviv, etc.

  3. MiMedinas HaYam: I assume you’re not referring to the generally accepted definitions of East Bank and West Bank, and the East Bank is in the former Trans-Jordan, now the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and an Arab nation; the somewhat of a misnomer “West Bank” of the Jordan river is Israeli and/or PA administered disputed territory.

  4. lets say he might help . if he sees this article with the picture and the blogs it could be damaging . if these missing soldiers were your own family ,would you be so tough ?


    Relax a bit, this picture is not in the search engines. Google doesn’t document photos.

    In any case, he didn’t promise bones, just info. Like the info he just gave about Arad that was known for 10 years.

  6. to #5 hakatan — i refer to “eretz yisrael hashlema”

    “shtei gadot, hayarden, hu sheluna, hu gam ken”!

    check the borders of israel — this shabat in shul, in parshat matot-masei. (were you sleeping during the haftorah for yiftach?)

    (and by the way, zachary bauhmol is an american citizen, went with me to yeshiva ketana in boro park.)

  7. Provide or Sell? If Hizbullah were to provide information that would be a gesture of good will and a humanitarian gesture. However what Hizbullah has offered is to sell information in return for the release of women and girls. The Sbarro Pizza bomber, a woman, revels to this day in the number of children she murdered.

    Nothing humanitarian in this gesture or even a hint of good will.

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