Three Years After the Gaza Expulsion

At 2:00PM on Wednesday, the Knesset is holding a special session marking three years since the residents of Gush Katif were thrown out of their homes by the government of Erik Sharon.

Prof. Yitzchak Katz of the Knesset’s Gush Katif lobby will present a detailed report detailing the status of the refugees, their mental and physical health, employment statistics as well as housing issues.

While some lawmakers still hail the expulsion as a success, the statistics paint a different picture, not to mention the deteriorating security situation in southern Israel.

A staggering 17% of former Gush Katif residents are unemployed, about three times the nation unemployment rate. Hardest hit were the farmers, with a 31% unemployment rate.

37% of the former Gush residents described their financial situation as “poor” or “very poor”. 15% admit to requiring financial assistance, which usually comes from their families. 69% do not believe the compensatory sum they are receiving from the national government will cover the cost of building a new home and 24% admit that they are using the funds intended for a new home for their daily existence.

In line with the dire statistics, 55% of the former Gush residents have reported a decline in their health since being uprooted and the same number have been receiving some type of psychological support or similar care. 29% report a deterioration in the family unit, primarily between parents.

On the political scene, 96% feel the national government and lawmakers have all but ignored them and 90% feel there is no one/agency to speak with regarding their issues. The rating given to government agencies by 98% of the Gush expellees is “failed” or “failed big time”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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