Who Will be the Chareidi Candidate in Yerushalayim Mayoral Race

lup.jpgIt is believed that Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky will honor the United Torah Judaism faction coalition agreement, which calls on him to step down after he completes his term to clear the way for a delegate from the Agudah party.

UTJ is composed of two parties, the Litvish Degel HaTorah Party and the Chassidish Agudas Yisrael Party.

The first person in line for the appointment to run as the chareidi candidate in the Jerusalem mayoral race is MK Rabbi Meir Porush. If Porush does not accept the nomination for the mayoral race, he will be replaced by Yehoshua Pollack in Knesset, who is a major askan in Jerusalem City Hall.

If Porush opts to remain in Knesset, then it is likely that Pollack, who is a major power broker in City Hall, will run as the chareidi candidate under an Agudah banner.

On the surface, it is relatively simple but there are a number of variations. One includes Porush running in the mayoral race as an independent candidate. By doing so, if he loses the election, he may still return to Knesset. If he runs as an Agudah candidate, he must resign from Knesset when he announces his candidacy.

By all accounts, polls indicate that if Porush runs in the mayoral race, he will not be defeated and his election is all but certain.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. Interesting observation that “By all accounts, polls indicate that if Porush runs in the mayoral race, he will not be defeated and his election is all but certain.” Which polls is your Israel editor referring to? I have heard the opposite, i.e. that if Lopoliansky runs again he is likley to be re-elected as although he is a Haredi, he shows the moderate face of the Haredi who, largely through Yad Sarah, has shown his concern for all whereas MK Porush will be seen as the black face of Haredi’ism. The secular population will not fight Lopoliansky, and many will support him, but will fight MK Porush very hard.

  2. #1, Reading the article, it indicates that the incumbent will not run for re-election.

    Additionally, I understand the chareidim have a electoral majority without the secular regardless.

  3. I think this article is absolute garbage. #1 is right and secondly there is a very good chance that large sections of the chareidi community will not vote for R. Porush. Mainly the Gerrer chassidim, whose political leader R. Litzman, is a strong opponent of Porush and also the litvaks have a strong anti-Porush feeling after his low behaviour in the Betar elections. The chances of Porush actually winning the election is low and thats why he is so slow in declaring his will to stand. Pollack has even less chance of winning as he is well known in ALL circles as a money grabbing crook and will almost certainly be indicted for financial crimes if he even puts his name forward for election. The ONLY chance of a chareidi winning is R. Lupiansky and that can only happen if Aguda admit to the facts and ask him to continue. Maybe if Moshiach comes before then that will happen……….

  4. The sad truth is that both Avreimi and Joseph are correct but only partially. Although Lupoliansky strictly follows the the Haredi line,he does show a moderate face which makes him electable. Even though there is a Haredi majority, they DON’T vote b’Shita. If a “moderate” face is not put up, Yerushalyim may Chas v’sholom may be faced with a “new” Olemert or worse.

  5. We want URI to continue, he is the desired candidate by the majority of residents of Yerushayalim.. Mr. Pollack is a ‘tough guy’, which is not the way to go today. Porush is well known as a 10+ generation in Yerushayalim and is doing a good job in the Knesset, he has much to think about before resigning his position there.

  6. #5, The only people that tend to have the discipline to “vote b’Shita”, are the Chasidim. i.e. Kiryas Yoel, New Square, etc.

    They are to be highly commended for it. It gets them results and the politicians pay a lot of attention to them and seek their bloc vote.

    (Similarly, the blacks vote 95% straight-line Democrats and it produces them results, with the Democrat party bowtowing to them on welfare, etc.)

    We could learn from them and do likewise.

  7. Israeli politics. Chillul HaShem. Same thing. I just don’t understand why can’t ALL the frum factions follow the principles of ‘Eilu v’eilu divrei Elokim Chaim,” put their own pride and prejudices aside, and do what is best for Klal Yisroel and not what they think is best for their own type of frumkeit.

    It makes me sick.

  8. #4 you are so right. The best thing based on all the alternatives is for Lupoliansky to run again. The best alternative would be if Eliyahu Hanovi comes and tells us who should run. After all, after Moshiach takes over we’ll still need a mayor of Yerushalayim.

  9. the “askanim” (no reflection on mr polak) in the various aguda parties do NOT like porush, even though he is a seventh (he may be eighth — his father may be the seventh) generation yerushalmi.

    he called the party on their bailing out on the aza (gush katif) issue, as well as the whole anti-yesha attitude of the various aguda parties (together with the eger rov, who is not his particular rebbe)

    signed, a seventh generation of the chatam sofer, as is the egri rov (who’se father was mesdaer kiddushin at my parents wedding)

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