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Shas MK: “The Israeli Nation Chose Hashem”

HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen, z'tl, at a campaign event. (Yaakov Cohen)

The success of the right-wing bloc is a win for Hashem and religion – a full half of the 64 seats in the future coalition are mandates from religious parties and the Likud has many religious MKs as well. Millions of voters, from traditional to Chareidi, streamed to the polls to oust the anti-religious government and show their support for a state with a strong Jewish identity.

As Shas MK Yoav Ben-Tzur wrote in an article published in JDN: “The nation chose Hashem.”

Shas MK Michael Malkieli explained the party’s success in more practical terms, telling Radio 103FM that he’s not surprised by the numbers: “We expected a rise, we saw it all along. Congratulations to Am Yisrael who will have a government that will take care of them – the periphery, the disadvantaged. There’s no doubt that Shas has grown significantly.”

“Aryeh Deri united the entire Sephardi public into one movement around the legacy of HaRav Ovadia, z’tl. The public gave us a lot of power and we’ll have to prove ourselves. We have to remember that Shas once has 17 seats – there’s a very large public.”

“We grew significantly in most cities of the periphery and in Jerusalem. People saw a reliable, stable party, a party that truly and effectively fought against this government for a year and a half – we never faltered.”

“Just as the public knows Shas as a responsible party whose MKs are only interested in working, we didn’t campaign to get votes – we campaigned because we explained what Shas is. Those people who heeded our call know Shas, know that it is a serious party and that it will take care of the cost of living issues.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Just kp Hashem out of Israeli politics. Nobody chose Hashem. Besides Bibi making all of you Charaidi Zionists think that he believes in G d, is something everyone knows and believes but otherwise, NOBODY chose Hashem.
    The Yidn that didn’t vote, they chose Hashem. Those are erlicha Yiddn!

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