Behind The Scenes Of The Chareidi Parties’ Success At The Polls

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Following the impressive achievements of the Chareidi parties at the polls, the brains behind the UTJ and Shas campaigns spoke with Kol Chai on Wednesday morning.

Dudi Zaltz of UTJ and Yanky Bichler of Shas spoke words of mutual praise for the success of both parties. “Shas appealed to the traditional (Masorati) vote base but in Degel, they succeeded with an excellent information system that brought the voters to the polling stations,” Bichler said. “If they had started earlier, they might have expanded their voter base.”

“We brought 70,000 new votes,” Bichler continued. “We did it through a precisely planned campaign from the moment the government fell. We brought our messages to every sector.”

“The Shas campaign was brilliant, they successfully appealed to their target audience,” Zaltz said. “Their success is our success.”

“We had ideas for videos that could have brought an insane amount of views, but we focused on a message that brought people to the polls,” Bichler said. “The video of HaRav Yigal Cohen [a popular kiruv Rav] who conveyed the message that the vote is for Hakadosh Baruch Hu, and the video of Maran [HaRav HaGaon Ovadia Yosef, z’tl] behind the curtain brought the final results.”

“Our goal was to convey to the public how seriously the Gedolei Torah view the issue,” Zaltz said. “The public seeing the mesirus nefesh of Gedolei Yisrael for the campaign spurred the revolution.”

“The extent of the Charedi public’s power has always been mostly unknown,” Bichler noted. “This time, the community turned out in unprecedented numbers.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. When reading this, I totally get the complaint that, in this article. Hashem seems to have been completely left out as a factor in what happened – when in truth, He is the only Factor.

    On the other hand, I recognise that this could also be said about almost every news article.

    Just saying.

  2. Now all frumies will go into their own cave to forget and disattach from the citizens and party heads the Charedi Rabbis in holy garments of self righteousness will get housing kickbacks and special perks to enrich themselves before the public gets a crumb.
    Back to the same old same old.

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