BIBI RISES AGAIN: Exit Polls Predict Win For Netanyahu And Right Wing – Numbers Can Still Change

Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli Prime Minister and the head of Likud party, waves to his supporters during a national election, in Ashkelon, Israel, Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)

Exit polls in Israel on Tuesday indicate that former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies may have won enough seats to return to power in a nationalist and religious government after three and a half years of political gridlock.

The polls are preliminary, however, and final results could change as votes are tallied in the coming hours.

It was the fifth election in less than four years in Israel. The polls by three major Israeli TV stations indicated that Netanyahu and his allies would capture the 61-seat majority in parliament required to form a new government.

The exit polls also showed far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben Gvir’s Religious Zionism as the third-largest party.

Official Exit Polls from Kan11:
Likud 30
Yesh Atid 22
Religious Zionists 15
United Camp 13
Shas 10
Yisrael Betenu 5
Labour 5
Meretz 5
Chadash-Tal 5
Ra’am 5

Bibi bloc 62
Lapid bloc 54

Official Exit Polls from Reshet12:
Likud 30
Yesh Atid 24
Religious Zionists 14
United Camp 11
Shas 10
Yisrael Betenu 4
Labour 6
Meretz 5
Chadash-Tal 4
Ra’am 5

Bibi bloc 61
Lapid bloc 55

Official Exit Polls from Reshet13:
Likud 31
Yesh Atid 24
Religious Zionists 14
United Camp 12
Shas 10
Yisrael Betenu 4
Labour 5
Meretz 4
Chadash-Tal 4
Ra’am 5

Bibi bloc 62
Lapid bloc 54

Chants of “Lieberman to the dump” at Shas election HQ.


10 Responses

  1. 1) ביבי המלך חי וקים
    We love you Bibi, and so glad to see you back 🤗
    2) Please President Donald Trump שליט”א follow in Bibi’s footsteps come 11/5/2024
    3) Good Riddance!!!!!! to evil Yamina party

  2. I guess they basically just let World Economic Forum young leader Bennett in to do the dirty work vaxing out the public, and now that that deed was done, back to Bibi. They couldn’t’ve kept Bibi in place to vax em out cuz he would have lost support afterwards, and they needed someone stable in place after the deed was done. Makes sense I guess.

  3. A year after they celebrated his political death – his very much back!
    B”h this should be a סימנא טבא for our great President Trump.

  4. Schmendrick, come ‘on, the Davos clowns much rather Lapid. They have a certain limited control, but not total control. We all know who’s the one who really controls it all.

  5. nobody say to themselves “hey what are bachurim doing in shas hq when their supposed to be in yeshiva”, if anyone is familiar with yeshvia life in israel , the month of cheshvan and most winter days and nights is extremly dry and very monday night roast chicken and rice early bedtime , its an environment that you can only meant to draw satisfaction if your not holding by learning 8-10 hours a day and are more the 6-8 type , to be in the yeshiva world/system living in the yeshiva neighborhoods could be gehinom,becuase your not going to keep yourself busy with secular material during free time, becuase i am learning shtark the 6-8 hours a day so your senses say it is the wrong thing to do, ,but your still not holding by learning 8 hours a day, so you end up going out of your mind , so it is okay these boys have an outlet nobody should activate their judgement senses

  6. I love that he is back…I love that we have a mensch……to those who voted in the past for the recklessness we had to be held to….nope I won’t forget this liberal minded dim wits….nor the harm that was caused….greatful for this moment of rescue…thank you Hashem without you this would not be

  7. Hashem helps. Bibi melech Israel. the best is that the Rascha Liebermann is out.Also all those whom are against charedim and religious People.How can Lapid say he is here for all Israelis and for the jewish state.Hi is a liar as Bennet is.They dont want a jewish state,they want to be like the goyim. look at Meretz and Labor.

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