Dov Hikind: Obama in Israel, Is Like Watching Jimmy Carter

obama aipac.jpgThe following is a statement by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind:

“Senator Barack Obama is to be commended for visiting Israel and the thousands of residents in Sderot who are threatened by Qassam rocket fire. But he just doesn’t get it. In May he addressed 7,000 in attendance at an AIPAC convention, as he called for Jerusalem to be the undivided capital of Israel. He stated very commandingly, ‘Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.’
“The phraseology in that speech was no doubt rehearsed and vetted numerous times, before it made it to the teleprompters. And yet, within 24 hours, Obama utterly reversed himself, stating,  0Well, obviously it’s going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues. And Jerusalem will be part of those negotiations… As a practical matter, it would be very difficult to execute [a policy of the capital remaining undivided.]’
“Then just last week, Obama contended that the Jerusalem statement was due to poor phrasing and unfortunate syntax. Or maybe he was just having a Jimmy Carter moment? There is considerable skepticism within the pro-Israel community, that Obama is a working on a sequel to Jimmy Carter’s presidency. Are we looking at Jimmy Carter II?
“Obama just doesn’t get it. I really wish he did.”

22 Responses

  1. My suggestion is for each and every reader of this blog to email to 10 family members or friends pointing out that Obama’s support for Israel is questionable at best and given his cohort of super liberal dems who make no qualms about pushing the Palestine agenda may be “disastrous” for Israel. In no time, these emails may reach hundreds of thousands of voters. But we have to start soon on this … like today!

  2. Start booking your Nefesh B’Nefesh flights now my friends, while you still can! This guy is going to be 100 times worse for Israel and for American Jews than (even) hillary would have been. Wake up and let’s learn from history for a change, BEFORE it is repeated. Dai l’chachima b’remeezah!

  3. DOV:

    I know you think it’s a free country, but when you attack a powerful person, who is a hero of the black community, there are consequences–not just for you, but for all Yidden, who might suffer reprisals as a result of your loose tongue!

  4. i don’t trust that man for one minute..he has muslim blood..if he becomes president who’s to say he won’t do anything crazy for his cousins?!!

  5. Israel had a staunchly pro-Israel U.S. President for 8 years. In that time: 1)Israel lost its first war ever, 2) the U.S. got bogged down into two wars, making its forces unavailable to help Israel, 3) the U.S. President lost the trust of the international community and all of the good will it received after 9/11; 4) Israel’s stature internationally is no better; 5) Israel is under threat of thousands of small tactical missiles in Gaza and Lebanon, and larger ballistic missiles in Iran; and 6) the United States populous, tired of war and facing huge budget deficits, is beginning to express a desire to pull away from international affairs and reduce its commitments to its allies, including foreign aid going to Israel. Oh yes, under the current administration the value of U.S. foreign aid has dropped dramatically with the drop in the value of the U.S. dollar against the Shekel. No, we don’t want another Jimmy Carter, a man who has never met an Arab dictator who couldn’t charm hinm, but we certainly don’t need another George W. Bush who was plain incompetent. What we need is a pragmatic leader who will restore American prestige. Sometimes we’ll need a leader like Nixon and Reagan who can save us from ourselves and “order” us to withdraw from potential military debacles before the tinge of defeat can be felt. During Lebanon II, an “even-handed” President Bush might have been just what we needed after the first week or two of battle before we could get bogged down in that no-win situation. Bush may have been rhetorically better for Israel, and sincerely favored us over the Arabs (although his current policies don’t convince me of that at all), but the bottom line is — was Israel better off during his administration. I don’t think that’s clear at all.

  6. #2
    my comment is ‘al tiftach peh la’satan”
    i hope your wrong. a lot of things may happen before the elections that will turn tide to john mccain.

  7. Muslims can be very nice to a person, and the next moment they stab him in the back. Obama has that same eerie niceness, which you can tell is fake at the core.

  8. BS”D

    E”Y will be no place to escape to if Jimmy the Second gets in. He will want to go down in history as the President who gets Israel to surrender even more land for spurious peace, and whether or not he succeeds, the Arabs will become more and more chutzpadig as they start believing their state is on the way.

    That means R”L chas vesholom another “Intifada” and then some.

    IY”H this opportunist will not get in. Something, a scandal of major proportions or IYH an economic upturn before the elections as the price of oil seems to be dropping, will ensure a McCain win (the better of 2 evils).

  9. baruchgershom — nice analysis. Nevertheless, I believe Yidden will do far worse under an Obama administration than under a McCain administration.

  10. B’H Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is one heck of a smoothe talker & has taken great advantage of being at the ‘right place at the right time’. That’s fine, but not at the expense of others. He’s a player. A gamer. Willing to gamble with your money, but, you’ll never see him adding his won chips to the pot. He blows w/ the wind. He is incapable of standing on solid ground whether the topic is Israel, the economy, or the war. He must have taken dance lessons as a youngster b/c he certainly knows how to dance around ALL issues. He has yet to answer any question posed to him in a straight way, & if by chance he does so, he will likely change his stance by the next day. Senator Obama was an Illinois State legislature (he lost the first time he ran) & State records show that he never produced any ‘significant’ legislation in his short time there. Even though he loves to toot his own horn about being a Harvard Grad & head of the Harvard Law Review, he has never written an article of interest, or any major thesis or commentary since his time at Harvard and even as a Law professor prior to getting involved in politics. Even in the US Senate, he has yet to write any of his own legislation or present any significant papers that could affect debate. He has somehow been able to slide in under the rug, and now he is riding the media wave right into the front door of the White House. Let’s face it, the Jews in America MUST finally come together this one time. Regardless of religious affiliation, economic level, educational level, etc., ALL Jewish Americans MUST join together to DEFEAT the supposed Democratic nominee. I can assure you that the vast overwhelming majority of Black Americans are going to vote for Senator Obama even if they don’t necessarily like him – just b/c he is a black man. I’m okay with this. I am sure most of us would vote for a Jewish candidate under the same circumstance. But there are a lot of potential Black voters waiting quietly in the wings. We must galvanize ourselves, pull ourselves up by the boot straps, jump on the bandwagon, and come together to counteract any extreme voting pattern that might very well form in the coming months leading to November. Jewish Americans, are you ready to take on the challenge? Are you strong enough to stand up to this person & look him straight in the eyes and state that it’s his turn to stand down. Can you muster up the courage to go out into the streets & talk, discuss, convince your neighbors, family, & friends that we are faced w/ a formidable task unlike the Presidential elections of the past few decades. Not since Jimmy Carter have we seen such a politician. The difference is, back when Pres Carter ran for Pres it was immediately after Watergate and most Americans agreed it was a time to break ties with the Republicans and begin to heal the nation. What we did not realize at that time is that President Carter is really nothing more than a rich southern boy that looks at the world w/ tainted eyes. This time we must be smart enough to stop this type of behavior in its tracks before it takes over the land. Barak Obama does not want to be the President of the People, for the People, etc., he wants to be President for his own self glory & fame, just to say to later generations that he was the first Black man to be President, or using one of his favorite slogans – paraphrased, they said we couldn’t do it & look us now … This has nothing to do w/ President Bush being good for the Jews or not! He’s on his way out the door. We cannot look back all the time, we must, absolutely must come together and finally start looking forward, not backward. We don’t need committees to consider this idea or to debate these ideas, if you want to look backwards, you will see plenty of Jewish committees just prior to the Holocaust, doing the same debating, discussing, until it was too late, bli ayin hara.
    It’s up to ALL of us, ALL Jewish Americans – to band together. You’ll note that I continue to use the term “Jewish Americans”. I do not like the idea behind American Jews. This connotes that we are somehow inferior or afraid to promote ourselves too much, lest someone notice and and goes ‘boo hoo’ on our parade. ALL OTHER ethnic and religious group in America call themselves xxxAmericans and not the other way around. Black Americans, Native Americans, Chinese Americans, Hispanic Americans, as well as Catholic Americans, Islamic Americans, etc. Don’t we have any pride left in ourselve? Say it loud, we are Jewish Americans. Once we begin to show more solidarity, more cohesiveness, then perhaps the rest of the USA will once again begin to take our votes and our voice seriously.
    Any responses???

  11. rabbi of berlin – I can see that you’re a skilled typist. But typing too fast can also affect one’s spelling…
    Slow down..

  12. R”L!!! This reminds me of Jimmy Carter as well. At least his getting elected will send more of klal yisroiel to artzeinu hakdoisha

  13. #21 nicely said…I agree…John McCain is the ONLY choice for any reasonable Jew who supports Israel and our people….but #18 yes you are free do as you choose…

  14. charliehall, we would’ve been shocked if you ever did vote for someone outside your beloved Democrat party. You are, afterall, always been a party-line man.

  15. עשו בגימטריא = כאמריקה
    Although this guy is Yishmoel and not Esav (note that former is latter’s shver), the whole country’s attitude smells from Esav-ism.
    One of the reasons we moved to EY last year was since we knew there’s a good chance that this rosho or Hitlery would get in.

  16. #24-you can’t be serious! Obama=”new thinking”? This guy’s ideas are the most typical left wing pacifism and appeasement that the left in the US, Europe, and Arabists all over have been pushing for decades! In fact, his reasoning is “exactly” the typical pre-9/11 Democratic mentality that let Osama Bin Ladin carry out and continuously plan deadly attacks in comfort. Did you ever hear of Neville Chamberlain? I guess he’s “new” too. And the “same garbage” of President Bush has actually DONE something for the first time by a US president (“new”?) to endanger terrorist safe havens and we have BH been unattacked since. I’ll take “garbage” that sticks up for Israel with little Jewish voter support in face of negative political and diplomatic repercussions over your warped version of a “brain”.

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