Shin Bet Chief: Hamas is Armed Better Than Ever

hamas.jpgIn a briefing before the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee on Tuesday, ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin explained that the current ceasefire serves Hamas quite well, permitting the terror organization to rest and rearm itself.

Diskin warned that today, Hamas is capable of firing rockets that will strike deeper into southern Israel, with an ability to strike Kiryat Gat and even Ashdod.

Drawing an analogy from Yehuda and Shomron, he explained to the committee members that the reason for the drastic reduction in terror in those areas since 2004 is simple, attributing it to the ongoing IDF presence, permitting intelligence gathering and ongoing counter-terror measures.

On that note, he stated it does not matter how often terrorists are targeted in Gaza, it does not compensate for an ongoing presence.

Back to the ceasefire, he reminded the committee members that he was opposed to it from the onset, emphasizing that we are permitting Hamas time and ability to rebuild itself, and as a result, it has raised the price – in essence complicated efforts to obtain the release of Gilad Shalit.

MK (Likud) Limor Livnat, a member of the committee, responded to the report. “His words are testimony, as powerful as 1,000 witnesses, that the government has failed in its basic obligation to protect its citizens. A government that does not adhere to the warnings and the opposition of the Shin Bet chief and is too busy occupying itself with in-fighting between the prime minister and foreign minister has lost its right to exist and should step down.

MK (Kadima) Yochanan Plesner stated that after hearing Diskin’s words, “we are now aware that the ceasefire was a tactical error and we must weaken Hamas, and not permit it to strengthen itself. Actions must be taken against Gaza. The only way to halt the Gaza-based terror is by maintaining a presence in Gaza.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Is this a chiddush? What do you think they do during ‘cease fire’ time? Dig deeper tunnels, smuggle in more arms, bring over additional fighters, and scream poverty. If only the beautiful Gaza communities were still standing, then and only then did the terrorists fear for their lives.

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