Israel Turns Its Clocks Back One Hour To Winter Clock

Israel moved its clocks back one hour, from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m. overnight Motzei Shabbos, October 30.

Daylight savings times will resume on March 24, 2023.

The US is changing its clocks in another week, overnight Sunday, November 6.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Israel should stay on UTC+3 all year and stop with the bi-annual clock changes. Both Jordan and Syria announced last week that they will no longer be switching and will stay on UTC+3 all year. Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are on that time as well. Staying on IDT will help business & tourism, and allow for ample time to prepare for Shabbos in the winter months.

  2. “Staying on IDT will help business & tourism, and allow for ample time to prepare for Shabbos in the winter months.”

    There is ample time, if you know how to utilize your time correctly. We have no problems getting everything done before Shabbat that needs to be done.

  3. Problem with staying on IDT is shacharis in the winter.
    Honetz HaChama would be around 7.40am – In EY many people start work early + they are used to not davenning shmonei esrei before honetz hachama

  4. they can put on tefillin at 6:45am on the latest day of the year (Jan 9), and then be at שמנה עשרה when the sun rises at 7:39am. Every other day for the rest of the year would be earlier.

    other thing, if Israel would keep winter time all year (UTC+2) sunrises in June would be 4:30am and Zman Tallis & Tefillin would be 3:30am which is waay too early for most people and just kills daylight for most people as nearly everyone is still sleeping at that time. Also it messes with Sof Zman Kriyas Shema as it would be a full hour earlier than what everyone is used to. This is why it makes much more sense for Israel to remain on UTC+3 all year (Israel Daylight Time) and refuse clock changes.

    Turkey (including all the populated areas such as Istanbul, Ankara, & Izmir) are North-West of Israel and they stay on UTC+3 all year. It would not make sense for Israel who gets sunrises and sunsets a significant time before they do to be an hour behind them in time; that would be like flying from NY to Minnesota and adjusting your clock 1hour ahead instead of 1h behind or staying on the same time.

  5. Right now cities such as Dallas and Atlanta are effectively “jumping back” in the winter to Israel’s equivalent of UTC+3; which means they basically use the equivalent of UTC+4 for the summer.

    If Israel stays on summer time all year it would basically be on ‘winter time’ as most know it in the U.S. which makes sense as Israel has a different society & culture and people prefer waking up earlier.

    Also, the earliest Shabbos end time would be at 6:11pm instead of the depressing & soul-crushing 5:11pm like it is now with UTC+2 in effect.

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