Olmert: Livni Unfit to Run the Country

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lashed out in an unprecedented attack against Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in comments made to close associates, calling her among other things a “back-stabber and a liar”.

In conversations with associates, the prime minister during recent days has been quoted saying that his foreign minister is incapable of making decisions and she is simply unsuited to serve as prime minister.

Some of his other criticism against Livni include “her inability to make difficult decisions and she is too hesitant.” He added that she is unable to stand firm under pressure and becomes agitated too easily and lacks self-confidence.

Olmert aides report the prime minister was fuming in response to Livni’s remarks that he lost the moral right to continue leading the nation. “She is the last person who may criticize me,” the prime minister was quoted as saying.

Olmert also accused Livni of lying to the Winograd Commission [investigating the Second Lebanon War] to evade her responsibility in the war and the decision-making process. He rejected her image as “Ms. Clean,” stating it is simply not the case.

“Any other candidate is better suited to lead Kadima” he added, as he was quoted in the Channel 2 TV News by correspondent Rina Masliach.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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