Knesset Moving Ahead With Law to Simplify Declaring PM “Incapacitated”

The Knesset appears to be expediting efforts towards permitting the legislators to declare a prime minister “incapacitated” by a simple majority vote of 61. The move seems to be a response to the foot-dragging by the prime minister, sponsored by MK (NRP) Zevulun Orlev and Yossi Beilin (Meretz). The preliminary reading is expected sometime this week.

The bill states the prime minister may be temporarily removed by a simple majority of 61, and he will be replaced by his deputy. The elected prime minister may return to his post within 150 days, but the move also requires a Knesset majority.

Beilin explained the bill is required in order to permit the Knesset to exercise the option if the lawmakers feel a prime minister is unsuitable to remain in office but the powers that be are not doing what needs to be done to create new realities.

The bill is also addressing a temporary suspension of a prime minister for medical reasons but such a move would require a 2/3 majority of the 120-seat house.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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