INDICTED: Terrorist That Tried To Stab 2 Chareidim In Jerusalem

Scene of the attack. צילום: מדברים תקשורת

The District Court in Jerusalem on Monday convicted the terrorist Ali Ajalin for attempting to stab two Chareidim on Rechov HaNevi’im in Jerusalem about a year ago.

The terrorist, who pleaded guilty, was convicted of a terrorist act of aggravated assault.

Attorneys from the Honenu legal aid organization, who represented the victims, had requested that the terrorist be indicted for attempted murder but their request was denied.

The incident began when Ajalin, a 22-year-old resident of Anata, near Shuafat, left his house armed with a knife with a 12-centimeter blade and began searching for a Jewish victim in the Sha’ar Shechem area. When he spotted two Chareidi Jews walking by Sha’ar Shechem in the direction of Rechov Shivtei Yisrael, he began to follow them. When they reached Rechov HaNevi’im, he pulled out his knife and attempted to stab one of them in the back. While doing so, he tripped and fell and the knife fell from his hand, allowing the two Jews to flee.

The Jews notified the police and a large number of forces were dispatched to the area. The terrorist was caught a short time later.

Attorney Chaim Bleicher of Honenu stated: “This was an attack by a terrorist who tried to murder Jews because of their Jewishness and nationality but Baruch Hashem, was unable to carry out his plan. The victims suffered severe traumatic damage. We are sorry that despite our appeal, the terrorist was not initially charged with a terrorist act of attempted murder, but the seriousness of the acts remains the same and we expect the prosecutor’s office and the court to impose a very severe punishment.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. “ INDICTED: Terrorist That Tried To Stab 2 JEWS In Jerusalem”!
    There, I fixed the title for you!
    It says-“shema ISRAEL”, not “shema CHAREDI”!

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