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Australian FM: “I Regret The Timing Of J-m Annoucement On Simchat Torah”

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong. (Vincent Thian/AP Photo)

In the wake of the Australian Jewish community’s condemnation of Canberra’s announcement on Tuesday that it no longer recognizes west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong apologized on Thursday to the local Jewish community for the “timing” of the announcement.

“I regret that the shift away from Australia’s longstanding position, and the shift back this week, have been distressing for communities that have a deep-rooted and keenly felt stake in the cessation of conflict, particularly the Australian Jewish community,” Wong wrote in the Australian Jewish News. “And the timing of this week’s announcement, falling as it did on Simchat Torah, was also deeply regrettable.”

Aliza Bin-Noun, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s political director, slammed the timing of the announcement when reprimanding Australian Ambassador Paul Griffiths, saying that the holidays of Sukkos and Simchas Torah are a celebration of the Jewish people’s ties to Jerusalem and the Temples.

The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) issued a statement on Wednesday expressing “its deep disappointment” with the government’s decision, which “risks denting Australia’s credibility with some of our closest allies.”

“Israel’s Parliament, the Supreme Court, the Prime Minister’s residence, and most of the ministries are located in west Jerusalem,” AIJAC’s Executive Director Colin Rubenstein wrote. “Foreign dignitaries and ministers, including those from both Australia and major Arab nations, meet their counterparts in Jerusalem when visiting Israel.”

“West Jerusalem will always be part of Israel and no serious peace proposal has ever suggested Israel should give it up. So the decision to withdraw recognition of Israel’s right to choose its own capital on its own sovereign territory is frankly bizarre.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. “Aliza Bin-Noun, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s political director, slammed the timing of the announcement when reprimanding Australian Ambassador Paul Griffiths, saying that the holidays of Sukkos and Simchas Torah are a celebration of the Jewish people’s ties to Jerusalem and the Temples.”

    If anything, that is all the more reason to make that announcement on Simchas Torah. Any announcement that distances Jews from Zionism is a good thing.

    As for the propaganda statement by the Zionist, Simchas Torah is a celebration of the Jewish people’s ties to the Torah. There happens to also be some connection to the Temples in Jerusalem, but nothing to do with Zionism, CH”V. The Zionists are interlopers, not representatives of the Jews. On top of that, they abuse the holy Torah for their political purposes.

  2. “West Jerusalem will always be part of Israel and no serious peace proposal has ever suggested Israel should give it up. So the decision to withdraw recognition of Israel’s right to choose its own capital on its own sovereign territory is frankly bizarre.”

    The slight problem with that particular bit of Zionist propaganda is that the world doesn’t recognize Zionist sovereignty over Jerusalem, which was supposed to remain an international city, not under Zionist control.

  3. Not sorry for loathing your animal and native remarks. Leaders should be chosen from elite and mentally fit as well as historically have educated themselves from incompetent behavior. I guess natives can’t read

  4. Jerusalem is the World Capital and the eternal city of Hashem whether or not Australia recognizes it as such. They are only digging themselves into a hole in which they will be eventually punished and overwhelmingly embarrassed when Moshiach comes (that is, if Hashem even allows them to survive into the new age era).

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