TRAGEDY: Man Drowns in Mikva in Meah Shearim

Illustrative. (Photo: United Hatzalah)

On Friday afternoon, a man in his early 40s died after he drowned in a mikvah in Meah Shearim, in Jerusalem.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yechiel Stern was one of the first responders at the scene and relayed, “Residents of the area pulled the man out of the mikvah. When I arrived I found him out of the water. I began performing CPR on the man and was joined by other first responders who live nearby. We continued CPR for a lengthy period of time, but at the end of our efforts, we, unfortunately, ha to pronounce the death of the man as he was beyond our help.”

30 Responses

  1. Mikvas are exceedingly dangerous, & in deference to פיקוח נפש no-one should be going into any מקווה
    We already had a most terrifying tragedy in אשקלון just this week:- How many more needless tragedies do we need from מקוות?

  2. Boruch dayan ha’emes. Terrible tragedy.

    How exactly are mikvaos more dangerous than pools?
    Pools are usually too deep to stand in and used for extended ammounts of time. Mikvaos are usually shallow enough to stand in, and you’re always near the wall, and usually used for less than a minute (or at most several minutes).

    It’s easy to prohibit a minhag which is not your own.

    Now, let’s start talking about cars…

  3. Cars are exceedingly dangerous, & in deference to פיקוח נפש no-one should be travelling in any cars
    We already had a most terrifying tragedy in …. just this week:- How many more needless tragedies do we need from cars?

  4. @147 Your a clown!
    When There is a car accident do you say “Cars are exceedingly dangerous, & in deference to פיקוח נפש no-one should be going into any car
    We already had a most terrifying tragedy in the bronx just this week:- How many more needless tragedies do we need from cars?

  5. Swimming pools are dangerous too.
    Women will never stop going no matter what you suggest 147.
    If you want to say men’s need to be set up differently you might have a point. Maybe. Otherwise, ridiculous.

  6. @147, well I disagree about what you said “no-one should be going into any מקווה”.
    However like swimming some system needs to be implemented so no one is ever alone.
    Like swimming maybe you need a pseudo lifeguard or a buddy system si a person who has seizure or slips can be pulled out before they’ve swallowed water.

  7. beleive me he wanted to meet reb nachman ,(sometimes you are Lucky)

    this mongorer most be old misnagged , long life, against CHASSIDEM

  8. @147 So you’re saying do away with Takanas Ezra? heck why stop there and do away with Taharas Hamishpacha …and no more future generations??

    Ususally these stories are in open water oceans, lakes and rivers. Never saw an indoor built mikva deep enough for an adult to drown in unless due to a heart attack, stroke, the new SADS, etc. Davar shelo shechiach (too uncommon) and not a cause for concern over many more pressing matters …like heart attack, stroke, the new SADS, etc.

  9. Anyone paying attention to anything 147 says, is doing exactly what he wants. He gets a kick out of reading your responses. Unfortunate that he is so immature that he allows himself to make jokes out of tragedies like this. May he do teshuva before it’s too late.

  10. Most likely the man had a heart attack and happened to be in the mikvah at the time. Highly improbable that a 40 year old would otherwise drown in a mikvah.

  11. The tragedy in Ashkelon was in the ocean, not a mikveh. Millions of people toivel safely in mikvehs but it might still be a good idea to have someone else nearby.

    Sh’ nishna besorot tovot.

  12. Whoever is making fun of this holy mitzva is to be condemmed. Maybe he suffered a heart attack. Usually men are not alone in the mikva.

  13. Obviously, this tragedy was triggered by a heart attack, stroke or some other sudden loss of consciousness. You cannot literally “drown” in a mikvah since your are always within a few feet of the side-wall or stair rail where you grab on to something.

  14. may his soul be a glory to all of us……what ever happens when doing a mitzvah is all from above….to the list above…..shower and mikvah…..use both with leisure and smiles…best year to all……except the evil of Biden and his family and those of the crown…..

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