TEHILLIM: Severely Injured Meron Victim Contracted COVID, Suffers Respiratory Collapse

Elazar Berger with his father prior to the Meron disaster. (Kan News screenshot)

Elazar Berger, who was severely injured in the Meron disaster a year and a half ago, contracted COVID on erev Rosh Hashana and began suffering from breathing difficulties.

Berger, 13, the youngest injured Meron victim, was transferred to the hospital where a team of doctors fought for his life in the trauma room and succeeded in stabilizing his condition.

However, he remains hospitalized and still cannot breathe without assistance.

The family has asked the public to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Elazar ben Raumah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

The other severely injured victim, Yosef Ezriel (Yossi) Reit of Ramat Beit Shemesh, is also still in need of tefillos. Please daven for the refuah sheleimah of Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal b’otoch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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