During Neilah: Netanyahu Suffered Chest Pains, Is Hospitalized

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu suffered chest pains during tefillas Neilah at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem.

A statement from his office said: “Former Prime Minister Netanyahu felt unwell in the shul during Neilah. He underwent a series of tests at the site which came back normal. Currently, he feels well.”

“For the sake of certainty, Netanyahu intends to independently go to the hospital to undergo a test.”

Netanyahu was fasting when he began feeling unwell. On Motzei Yom Kippur, he was admitted to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital for testing.

A later report from Shaarei Tzedek said that Netanyahu will remain in the hospital overnight for observation.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid sent recovery wishes. “I wish Binyamin Netanyahu a speedy and complete recovery. Only health.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Of course he was PFIZERIZED. And for those who do not follow Israeli news, he sold out the people of Israel by signing a deal with Pfizer blocking data from the shot for 30 years. Not to mention the massive campaign and bullying financed by we-know-who..

  2. Ujm: I understand why the satmar viewpoint will be opposed to a Netanyahu government. A netanyahu government spends on Torah and protects the haredi community and its traditions going against every prophesy of the satmar rav.

  3. People tend to forget that netanyahu is a non religious person who is mechalel shabbos’ so why are people davening for him???

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