More Discrepancies in Talansky Testimony

talansky2.jpgThe Monday addition of the daily Yediot Achronot, the nation’s largest newspaper, dedicates no less than the first seven pages to the discrepancies and nuances surrounding the cross-examination of star state witness Moshe Talansky.

The other papers do their fair share too, citing the differences between the deposition given to Israel Police and the contradictory statements made in the Jerusalem District Court on Sunday.

Legal and political analysts are divided as to the credibility of his testimony following the recorded statements made by Talansky, who told the court that previous statements were the result of police pressure.

The prosecution stated that the discrepancies are minor and the bottom line is the case against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is solid, and there are other witnesses and statements that will verify and support the state’s case.

In the same matter, Israel Police have announced they are calling on Mr. Olmert to set aside a number of hours to permit a fourth questioning session in the case.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I know Moshe Talansky personally! He’s an upscale fellow who is being maligned by the left because he’s a Shomer Torah Umitzvos! Typical Israeli garbage against the frummer! Hey, what else is new!

  2. what does olmarts not being frum have to do with his lawyers examining mr talansky? he has the right to defend himself.

  3. Talansky is very smart man. He’s PURPOSELY adding discrepancies to save his life. He knows quite well what will happen to him if Olmert will lose the case because of him. He’d rather look like a fool and save his life than tell the truth and…

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