Carter Brainstorm: Shalit to Egypt & Israel Releases Hamas Ministers

carter.jpgFormer US President Jimmy Carter is suggesting that as an interim step, IDF soldier Gilad Shalit can be transferred from Hamas control to Egypt. At the same time, Israel will release imprisoned Palestine Legislative Council members and Hamas ministers.

Senior aide to Carter, Robert Pastor, was in Israel last week and he hopes to arrange a trilateral meeting to include Shas leader Minister Eli Yishai. Carter’s representative also traveled to Gaza, Cairo and Damascus in the hope of promoting the deal. After Israel releases dozens of terrorists in a good-will gesture, including the Hamas cabinet members, talks towards Shalit’s release would continue.

Shalit in the meantime would be held by Egyptian intelligence officials and his parents would be permitted to visit with him.

When the former president visited in April, Yishai indicated that he personally would meet with anyone, including Hamas, towards facilitating Shalit’s release. Last week, when meeting with Pastor, Yishai confirmed that he is still willing to conduct meetings on Shalit’s behalf. Carter is hoping to host a trilateral meeting which would include Yishai and a senior Hamas official.

The government remains adamant in its refusal to enter into direct talks with Hamas. Yishai stated he does not see any reason to refrain from such as move if it will result in Shalit’s release and as such, he is willing to meet with anyone towards achieving this goal.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

18 Responses

  1. well that sounds better, since we have a good way of getting back pow , will just have to go in again & capture some chamas doogs & exchange….
    & not give a bloody kunter for the bodys of our Kdoshim..

  2. Everything sounds fine except the so called “GOOD WILL GESTURE” enough with that it NEVER worked.

    Shuting thier water and gas would be a lot more affective!

  3. WOW Mister penut head is still acting out!!!

    Should call him mister potato head instead. We should never have made an prisoner swap. No negotions with TERORISTS!!!! they got 200 for2!!!

    What ever happened with the jid who loves metzies?

  4. What?? Is this guy crazy? How is that a fair deal?When is the US going to take away carters passport or lock him up for is his own safety?? Hasn’t this buffoon done enough damage in that Region?

  5. Old carter is at it again. (Why do we keep giving him press?) How about JUST LETTING POOR GILAD GO, then if he’s alive, negotiate from there?

  6. Chas veshalom, but since they always get there way, they will probably keep kidnapping ppl. in exchange for criminals. frustrating and sad!!

  7. Release dozens of terrorists in a good-will gesture???? Also, why is Jimmy Carter involved in this? Was Ahmadenajad unavailable?

  8. Its been confirmed carter has alzhimers he forgot his polocies have been the worst then any other president in history

  9. Well Egypt is a nationaly recognised country, Shalit is definetly safer then in the hands of terrorists. Remember Nachshon Wachsman a”h? He was shot right as the Israelis came in to get him.
    These terrrorists are barbaric and we should do anything to get him out of their hands even give him to the Egyptians. And if it will help to make a “gesture” so be it.

  10. to state the obvious it is better to receive him back alive. olmert and co. are going to negotiate and give in to hamas anyway so the best is to try to secure him alive and if the peanut farmer can broker that, good. I for one do not care at all the source, as long as he comes home alive.

    now, with that being said, I would not be surprised if this was a move originally established by hamas using carter to make him look good to try to gain support for him in Israel and by American Yidden.

  11. All those reacting to the mention of the name “Jimmy Carter” are overlooking the fact that this is actually a very good idea, being that shalit will be in a much better situation, will be able to get medical care, see his parents, etc. The ones being released in exchange would be hamas politicians (who were only arrested as ‘bargaining chips’ to begin with), not actual militants with blood on their hands. However it would seem unlikely hamas would agree to this.

  12. Can someone explain to this English guy what’s wrong with Carter’s idea? I know he was a farmer, yerachmiel begun said so years ago, but this sounds like tachlis.

  13. The ones claiming that Jimmy’s idea isn’t so bad after all remind me of the yiddish sayin “yaide naar zugt amool ah kleega zach” (every fool can say a smart thing sometime)

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