It’s Official! HaChasan Pollard And HaKallah Rivka Abrahams-Donin

Mazal Tov to Jonathan Pollard and Rivka Abrahams-Dinon.

Jonathan Pollard and his kallah, Rivka Abrahams-Donin, made an official announcement of their engagement on Wednesday evening.

Rivka, a 45-year-old Lubavitcher resident of the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem, made aliyah in 1996. Her late husband, Rav Yosef Eliyahu Donin, z’l, who for many years ran the tefillin stand at the Kosel and merited to help thousands of Jews don tefillin, was niftar in 2015, leaving Rivka alone with seven children, ages 2-18 at the time.

An interesting fact about Rivka is that her grandfather, British Sergeant Karl (Kalman Leib) Abrahams, z’l, helped capture the notorious Nazi commander Rudolf Hess as part of his role in a special intelligence unit of the British military police.

The official announcement states: “How can I repay Hashem for all of His favors for me? (Tehillim 116:12). With praise and gratitude to Hashem, we’re excited to announce our engagement.”

“We’re full of gratitude to you, our friends, families and dear children, on the love and embrace, and first and foremost to Esther, a’h, who in her endless love even introduced us and enable this neis to occur. Her memory will always be with us.”

“The wedding will b’ezras Hashem take place in two months, after the Chagim.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

38 Responses

  1. Those comments are uncalled for. Pollard has become frum; his first marriage is irrelevant. After aveilus, there’s no reason to wait if you’re ready to remarry. It’s a mitzvah even if one already has children.

  2. Hey, mods. I told you not to publish anything about Pollard, because he fits so nicely with the anti-Semites beliefs that Jews cannot be trusted to serve their non-Jewish countries’ interests. Don’t you guys listen to me?

    And I stand by my other previous statement, very nice-looking kallah.

  3. A guy who spent most of his life in solitary confinement; he deserves someone in his life in his golden years. For him, his life is just starting.

    But, haters, will be haters. some ppl just come onto YWN in order to publish hate; here the problem is that there is no problem.

  4. This baal teshuva should make his teshuva more complete by staying out of the news as much as he can in recognition of all the harm he did, whether b’zadon or b’shegagah.

  5. To negative commenters: with due respect, these comments are disgusting. I could not believe what I was reading. How about being happy for a Jew who sat in jail for 30 yrs for trying to help the Jews, then when finally released his wife is niftar – and is now getting a fresh start, finally finding peace by the kindness of Hashem.
    Mazel tov!!

  6. His jail sentence was way too long but he was legitimately imprisoned for betraying his country and lying about selling top secret information. Jews in the U.S. working in secure government agencies are still under a cloud of suspicion because of him and other Jews found to have engaged in espionage His decision to remarry barely 6 months after the death of his late-wife has nothing to do with his imprisonment for espionage.

  7. Mazel tov! May they build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel. Since he became single I’ve been thinking that he has a chiyuv to try to have zera shel kayama, the first mitzva in the Torah, may Hashem grant it to him to succeed. (My advice to new couples, make sure you have a Rav whom you both respect to guide you through all the inevitable challenges, especially at your ages.) Could we please have full Hebrew names (and mothers’ names) for both of them to daven for. I’ve been saying a Mishna every day for Esther Yocheved bas Yechiel Avraham. Mazel tov, we should all daven for them.

  8. Gadolhadorah keeps on pounding away with asinine comments.

    Just surprised it came out from under its rock when nary a word about Trump was mentioned.

  9. After Anne’s parole, Pollard filed for divorce, apparently claiming that he did not want her to wait for him as he expected to spend the remainder of his life in jail. But once the divorce finalized, Pollard married his current wife, Esther, who had worked on the campaign to secure his release.

    “It is something that has broken my heart to this day, because I sat for years in jail, focused on getting out, focused on having a life, a future with my then-husband, having a family with him and moving forward with our lives,” Anne Pollard told Channel 2. “I never… envisioned being divorced today.

  10. “Gadolhadorah keeps on pounding away with asinine comments.”

    No he is one hundred percent right. EVERY Jew WAS treated as a security risk as the result of Pollard’s espionage. It fed the anti-Semitic dual loyalty meme. He was well paid for his spying and one reason he got caught was that he was living a lifestyle inconsistent with his modest government salary.

  11. Mazel tov!

    Mods: when you approve comments like most of the one’s above, the loshon horah, nivul peh and anoas devorim respectively is probably counted more your cheit than their’s rl

  12. By the way Rabbii Hoffmann of Yeshihva world will be Master or Ceromoneies I Y H and Donanld Trump Hagoi’s son in Law Eidei Kedisehn , Also Evanka Trum. First Lady Daughter)
    (well deserved for this nnewws Maze Tov)

  13. Would is not be wiser to move to another the website or open a sefer instead of writing vile comments? If you are thinking, readers do not know who you are, therefore it is permissible to embarrass another Jew, think again: HaKadosh Baruch Hu surely knows who you are. I would like to say mazel tov to the Chattan and Kallah and wish you every happiness.

  14. Would it not be wiser to move to another the website or open a sefer instead of writing vile comments? If you are thinking, readers do not know who you are, therefore it is permissible to embarrass another Jew, think again: HaKadosh Baruch Hu surely knows who you are. I would like to say mazel tov to the Chattan and Kallah and wish you every happiness.

  15. @ huju
    No it did not!
    Israel already had the information from their regular intelligence against. All he did, was confirm what they already knew and embarrassed Israel and every American Jew in the process

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