Obtaining Shalit’s Release “At Any Price”

There are those who are calling upon the national government to work towards obtaining the release of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit “at any price,” fearing that if too much time is permitted to pass, he will chas v’sholom become a Ron Arad-2.

Shalit is now in his third year of captivity, and recent statements from Hamas, as well as statements from Egyptian officials, are not promising. One senior Egyptian security official quoted anonymously in the Israeli media stated it does not appear that Shalit will be seeing the light of day anytime soon, based on statements being made by Hamas leaders in Gaza following last week’s Regev-Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal. Hamas now sees that their original list of less than 500 names was too modest, seeing what Israel traded for two dead soldiers, Hamas leaders are now setting their sights at a list closer to 1,000 terrorists.

The list includes terrorists responsible for some of the most heinous attacks, including the Park Hotel (May 27, 2002 – 20 murdered and 140 injured, 20 seriously), Sbarro Restaurant (August 9, 2001 – 15 murdered and 130 injured), Maxim Restaurant (October 4, 2003 – 21 murdered and over 60 wounded).

Former IDF Chief of Human Resources Major-General Elazar Stern, who retired from the military last week, recently explained that “at any price” means up to the price the nation cannot pay, painfully stating that as is the case with all such deals, there is a ceiling which cannot be exceeded. The heads of the intelligence and security communities are in agreement with Stern, realizing that each costly deal just increases the ante for future deals.

There is however another interpretation to “at any price,” one that does not appear to be on the table. One can arguably say that the price paid must be by Hamas, not Israel, and there are those who make a good argument for turning the tables around and placing the pressure on Hamas.

Following the Regev-Goldwasser deal Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah has made bold statements, holding Israel at gunpoint, realizing this is his chance to build his image, to become the great savior for his followers in Gaza as Nasrallah did in Lebanon.

The IDF needs to tighten the closure on Gaza, sealing off all crossing points, not permitting anything to cross into Gaza – not flour, gasoline for generators or any other product.

A statement must be made by senior defense officials marking Haniyah a “dead man” as is the case with Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who spends his life in a bunker, well aware that if he emerges for too long, Israeli intelligence will obtain a fix on his location and he will be eliminated. Haniyah must suffer the same fate, and the population of Hamas-control Gaza should be begging for water and electricity rather than passing out candies and sweets when hearing fo the release of Samir Kuntar.

While there are various opinions regarding how we must precede, all are in agreement that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his decision-makers blew it big time, completing the deal for the return of two bodies while Gilad Shalit, a live soldier remains captive, enduring the day-to-day horrors of being alone, and chas v’sholom with the feeling of having been abandoned by the IDF and his country.

Hamas appears to still be calling the shots and PM Olmert continues to appear more concerned with his limited political future and staying out of prison than he does with running the affairs of the nation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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