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Marking an Anniversary of the Second Lebanon War

Tomorrow, Monday, is the day chosen by the government to mark the annual observance of the Second Lebanon War in the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery.

The mother of Sergeant Refael Muskal, who fell in the line of duty in the war, represents the Forum of Families, expressing her pain over the “profound loss which can never be healed”.

The group will meet on Monday and visit the same three sites, beginning at 1:00PM at Sderot Menachem Begin in Rechovot to honor the memory of the only female killed in the war, Karen Tendler, the helicopter mechanic who was killed when Hizbullah shot down the chopper. At 2:30PM, they marchers will be in Ginzu paying respects to fallen soldier Yossi Harel and at 4:00PM, Beit Choron, in memory of the eight soldiers of the 51st regiment who fell in the war. From there, they will attend the state service in Jerusalem’s Mt. Herzl Military Cemetery.

According to Muskal, Defense Minister Ehud Barak will be joining the group. She explained that their letter, sent last week to Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has gone unanswered. They view Livni as the nation’s next leader, a person with integrity and a person who they believe will lead the nation to a better place than current realities exhibit.

Muskal added that as a female and a mother, she believes Livni’s presence in Rechovot would have significance since Karen was the only female military causality in the war.

When questioned Sunday morning regarding the letter from the Forum of Families, the Foreign Minister’s staff released the following statement.

FM Livni did not receive the letter. Undoubtedly, the bereaved families paid the highest price one can pay in a war. The minister since then continues to meet with all bereaved families who request her to do so, privately and in groups, and she does respond to all questions, as difficult as they may be. She will invite the Forum of Families to meet with her and she will address their questions as she has in the past. She remains committed to do so in the future.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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