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Israel: Student Leader Warns Cabinet Against Increasing Tuition Costs

The leaders of the nation’s student unions, representing the colleges and universities around the country, on Sunday morning called on cabinet ministers to reject the recommendation of the Shochat Commission which calls for an increase in the cost of tuition.

Boaz Toprovsky, who heads the nationwide student union, stated the very fact that a meeting is being held to discuss a tuition increase is illegal; emphasizing students cannot afford another NIS 1,000 on top of the already staggering cost of college tuition.

In the meantime, Education Minister Prof. Yuli Tamir is working towards regaining a significant portion of the nation’s education budget, the NIS 1.8 billion that was taken from the ministry over the past six years. Tamir, and other experts, are in agreement that the return of the ministry’s former budget can prevent a total collapse of the nation’s higher education system.

The commission called for an increase in tuition, which would bring the cost of a bachelor’s degree from the current NIS 8,600 to NIS 14,800. Toprovsky and his colleagues insist that implementing the recommendation of the Shochat panel would be a gross violation of the agreement signed a year ago ending the student strike.

Tamir and the student representatives are adamantly opposed to any increase in tuition but the final decision rests in the hands of the cabinet ministers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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