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At Least 1,000 Terrorists for Shalit

gilad2.jpgSpeaking at a Gaza University event on Saturday, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah told the crowd “the sun has set on the siege,” stating Israel’s attempt to break Hamas by closing Gaza crossings has failed, vowing there will be no concessions in negotiations with Israel regarding captive soldier Gilad Shalit.

“Hizbullah has paved the way for us,” stated Haniyah, who emphatically announced there would be no flexibility in talks with Israel, telling imprisoned “heroes” that they would soon be free.

Referring to Samir Kuntar, the master terrorist released by Israel in last week’s Regev-Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal, he called him the leader of the prisoners, announcing the Interior Ministry has been instructed to issue Kuntar a diplomatic passport.

Haniyah stated Hizbullah has paved the path for future negotiations, explaining the number of prisoners being released for the return of a live soldier will be significantly higher than for dead bodies, with some reports indicating Hamas is now demanding Israel release 1,000 terrorists to obtain Shalit’s freedom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. This is the price we are going to pay for showing weakness to the Hamas.
    Gaza should have looked like a pile of rubble after this kidnapping and the bombings should have continued until they returned him.
    There are no civillians in Gaza. Every single arab there is a terrorist waiting to get his/her change to pull the trigger.
    And the response to the Kassams should have been the same. Carpet bombing one mile at a time until they get the message.
    Now we have to listen to this ….. from the head of these mamzerim.
    Hashem Yerachem

  2. This is what happens when this stupid governemnt goes against halacha.
    The halacha is that we must not redeem captives for more than they are worth, otherwise this problem will just perpetuate itself. Exactly as we see!
    All the rabbinic rulings which go against halacha are doomed to cause us even more misery.
    The correct way is to demand he be freed with no swap The beginning bargaining chip should be hermetically sealing ALL of the Gaza strip. Nobody enters or leaves. ALL water, electricity, fuel, supplies, etc get stopped. Let them ALL drop dead!
    All the world laughs at this suicidal country – because it is run by a bunch of fools!
    When a kassam rocket gets shot, that part of gaza must be bombed. They will stop all this crap rather quickly.
    Or else, they will ALL be dead!
    Once that is accomplished, we must begin killing the terrorists in jails, 1,000 AT A TIME! And then smear their bodies with pig fat!
    Let us treat these beasts as they deserve.
    Either way the world will scream at us!
    If we do not stand up for ourseleves, who will>
    Im Ein Ani Lee Mee Lee?

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