Tragedy In Israel: Yeshivah Bochur Killed In Accident On Jm-Tel Aviv Highway

A 21-year-old yeshiva bochur was critically injured on Sunday evening after his car collided with the back of a truck on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway.

Rescue services extricated the victim from his car, which was trapped underneath the truck and evacuated him to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where he passed away in the early hours of Monday morning

He was later identifed as Nahorai Shalom, z’l, of Rechasim, a talmid of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael of Elad.

His levaya was held in Rechasim on Monday and he was burried at the Tel Regev beis kevaros in Haifa.

Earlier on Sunday, three Israelis were seriously injured in an accident between their car and a fire truck in the Shomron

The three people in the car were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. Unfortunately, shortly later, the hospital announced the death of one of the victims, Oded Hagar, z’l, 18, from the yishuv of Yakir. Another victim is in very serious condition.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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