Ex-Adviser Says Lieberman Offered Him $100,000 To Kill Police Officer

Avigdor Lieberman (Knesset spokesperson)

A former Yisrael Beiteinu activist and adviser of Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman publicly accused his former boss of offering him $100,000 to murder an assistant police commissioner and other criminal dealings.

The ex-adviser, Yossi Kamisa, wrote in a social media post: “Who are you, Mr. Lieberman?” As someone who was your former assistant, shall we continue to tell who you are? I wrote a post about you two years ago and called you the head of a criminal organization. You were afraid to respond or file a libel suit.”

“I’m turning to Madam Attorney-General [Gali Baharav-Miara] – you have intelligence information on your desk for over a month about a politician who suggested murdering a police commissioner but there is silence in the prosecutor’s department. The question is why?! Politics? I suggest to you, Madam – invite Lieberman and me to a lie detector test.”

Kamisa continued: “We’ll ask one question, did Lieberman offer me 100,000 dollars to murder a police chief? If Mr. Lieberman is willing, we’ll ask a few more questions: Was Lieberman a partner in a casino in Yericho? Profits from the casino went to terrorist organizations that murder Jews.”

“When Ehud Barak was prime minister in 2000 and said there was black intelligence material against you, you took my phone and sent a message to Martin Schlaf to get rid of it. Who did business in the Congo? How many businesses in the country are you a partner in, Lieberman? No wonder the cost of living rose during your time as finance minister by dozens of percentage points. Let’s ask a number of journalists what your relationship with them is. I know a lot,” Kamisa asserted, “I was there.”

“Mr. Lieberman, I will do everything so that after these elections you’ll sit in prison. The case that was closed against you must be reopened. A small case with nothing substantial went to court and the major case was closed. A former senior official in the State Attorney’s Office said more than once that the case was closed due to a shady deal. You wanted to appoint Shai Nitzan as the state attorney. Everyone knew that Nitzan was a left-wing deputy state attorney and during your time in the government, Nitzan was appointed state attorney. Silence in exchange for the appointment.”

Kamisa’s claims aren’t coming out of nowhere. Liberman has been the subject of a police investigation in the past for corruption and bribery and breach of trust. The Israel Police recommended in 2010 that he be indicted and in 2011, the State Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had decided to charge Lieberman with fraud, money laundering, breach of trust and witness tampering.

In 2012 it was suddenly announced that the Justice Ministry had decided to only charge him with breach of trust and fraud, and not the more serious witness tampering and money laundering corruption charges and rumors abounded how this decision came about. In 2013, Liberman was unanimously acquitted.

In 2020, UTJ MK Uri Maklev slammed Lieberman and his party for using kosher phones due to their criminal connections.

Kamisa is not the first former Yisraeli Beiteinu official to vilify his ex-boss. In 2021, a former senior Yisrael Beiteinu MK published a video excoriating Lieberman, although she did not accuse him of criminal activities.

Lieberman responded by denyng the claims, adding that opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu is responsible for the attack against him since he is “panicked” by Lieberman’s achievements.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


10 Responses

  1. Simply slaughter this filthy pig at his new 🐖 slaughter house, and then close down the 🐷 slaughter house, and literally have killed 2 birds in 1 shot:- lieberman and the slaughter house, and shall have solved 2 awful disasters in 1 shot

  2. Filthy politicians. Liberman is what he eats. Pig just like rest of them no one opens their mouth until they are threatened to lose a seat and power otherwise they rape the country and their people.

  3. Rav chaim brisker said that the zionists are suspected as being murderers, before the altalina, before r” Meir dehaan, before rav reuvain grozovsky….

  4. Typically Liebermann,a liar a big eater a am haaretz and a corrupt person.such people are elected to the Knesset and als Finance Minister.a shame for the state of Israel

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