Zaka – A Fresh Start With A New Face

ZAKA Search and Rescue, first established in 1989, is recognised as the premier international address in times of crisis. They are on call 24 hours a day, ready to provide a multi-faceted response to any form of disaster; be it a terrorist attack, natural disaster or personal tragedy worldwide.

Starting as a ZAKA volunteer, Mr Duby Weissenstern, in his 21 years at ZAKA, has slowly made his way up currently assuming the position of CEO of the organization. He has now taken on more responsibility than ever before, as he ensures the smooth running of every unit within the ZAKA group. While overseeing every technical facet of the organisation, he refuses to succumb to numbness ensuring that all his courageous volunteers maintain their mental wellbeing in the face of very catastrophic disasters. Duby Weissenstern masters unparalleled leadership qualities, as he gracefully and professionally now shapes the face of this esteemed organization. With over two decades of experience to back him, he navigates the day to day running of the ZAKA Search and Rescue team with utmost sensitivity.

ZAKA is a UN-recognised, humanitarian, volunteer based, emergency response organization who typically arrive with their expert rescue team before any other national crisis responders. This crucial time difference is often the difference between life and death for victims at the scene. They are committed to saving lives all over the globe, regardless of religion, race or ethnicity; to date supporting a staggering 22 countries! As chaos and panic reigns, the ZAKA team provides help across the board covering all areas of desperately needed assistance. From immediate medical attention for the mass casualties, to excessive searching in attempt to save as many people, they remain on the scene for retrieval and identification of the dead, assisting the bereaved family members with everything they need to bury their loved ones with dignity.

In addition to their professional Search and Rescue Team, their services also include a Rapid Rescue Motorcycle Unit, Divers Unit and Chesed Shel Emet Unit. Over the last decade, ZAKA have made an undisputed effort to train local Search and Rescue teams in the United States and across the globe. Subsequently, each local team are immediately available to respond with medical aid when disaster strikes. In 2016, The ZAKA light Search and Rescue training course was recognised by INSARG, an international network of over 80 countries and organizations under the umbrella of the UN.

In order to achieve maximum effectiveness with this all important work, Mr Duby Weissenstern has created a new board committed to striving for excellence in all areas. The new board members are as follows: CPA David Horvitz, Rabbi Natan Natanzon, Rabbi Rafi Manot, Adv. Efraim Greidinger, Adv. Avi Abukhazira, Jacob Ginzburg, Shlomo Calderon, Rabbi Nissim Levy, Attorney Maya Gilnert Pines and Attorney Doron Baruch Shahar. We wish the new board members much Hatzlocha working for this unbelievable cause, dedicating their time to saving as many lives as possible. We have full confidence in their capacity for success with Hashem’s help.

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