It’s Just Like Everyone Warned

warning.gifUnfortunately, the prime minister and his cabinet opted to ignore the position taken by the experts, moving ahead with the Regev-Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal, placing the return of two coffins ahead of the return of a live soldier, Gilad Shalit. Based on all intelligence reports, the two soldiers were viewed as dead before the deal, and all the decisions were made based on this premise.

Hamas has not wasted any time, already sending a message to Israel “we learned from Hizbullah,” signaling the terror organization will toughen its position in talks with Israel to obtain the release of Gilad Shalit.

At present, Hamas has announced it does not plan to resume talks as scheduled, indicating it requires time to think things over. In the meantime, on this coming Tuesday, 22 July, Gilad Shalit was scheduled to be discharged from the IDF after three years of service. Instead, today, Friday, marks his 854th day in captivity.

Regarding its list of terrorists which the terror organization is demanding that Israel release, a spokesman stated, “What did Israel expect, that we would demand the release of criminals?”

Unfortunately, many working to obtain Shalit’s release are up in arms, explaining that as always, in the end, the government will release the terrorists so why play a dangerous game at the expense of the soldier, who in this case, was known to be alive a number of weeks ago.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. This government is against Daas Torah, and as such will make one mistake after the other.
    Our only hope is for Moshiach to come! These dopes, and all the parties supporting them, are all eruv rav, and as such will only cause disaster after disaster for the Jewish people.

  2. Since when did the zionim think about future they think their great and they know what they do but they make mistakes that ruin the future of the holy land. they are at fault for water shortage as they drained the hula swamps. they cause kidnappings as they do prisoner exchanges. they keep thinking kochim viyotzim yudi and they forget im hashem lo yishmor ir shav shukat shomer

  3. I’m telling you. The best thing the Izzys can do is tell the yishmaelim that if we dont get our man alive, we will make absolutly certain that their man isnt alive either and we dont care who happens to be in the way.

  4. The question was the return of the 2 coffins, thus saving the woman from her agunah status or the return of Shalit who might not even be alive. There’s no proof that he’s alive or that the terrorist will allow him to be brought back alive if he’s still alive.

  5. This is just another example of an anti Torah government yielding the fruit of their self styled morality.

    The halacha is that you don’t free hostages for more than their value in order not to encourage more kidnappings. That applies even for live hostages and certainly kal vechomer for dead ones. Hamas is already cashing in.

    They also kept the Kuntar slime alive all these years. Their policy of having mercy on the cruel and being hard on the merciful (the Israeli populace who will suffer from the release of vicious terrorists and the morale boost that is given to the enemy) yields chazal’s predicted result of being cruel to merciful.

    If they had a real policy of bringing back hostages, they would take Hanniya hostage and the entire Hamas cabinet and not release them until Shalit was freed.

    The irony of this is that that the anti Torah Zionists who were always so contemptuous of the downtrodden golus Jew have caused Israel to become the groveling and sniveling Jew on an international scale.

  6. With hindsight you can be so smart.
    was it not worth releasing some criminals, of which the Arabs have a surplus anyway to free an aguna and to bring two Jewish martyrs to kever yisroel?

  7. Whether it was a mistake or the right thing to do, what gives people living in GOLUS the right to decide what Israel should or should not do?! You want to make a DIFFERENCE? Instead of sitting around in GOLUS, get up and MOVE to Israel. You don’t like that the government is not “frum”? Well, the last time I looked George Bush wasn’t wearing Tefillin either…so why are you living here?

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