WATCH: Bibi: ‘Iran Deal Is Madness, Ayatollahs Will Hold Every US City Hostage’

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu outlines his opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. (Netanyahu Twitter)

Former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday excoriated the US plan to renew the Iran nuclear deal amid reports that the US is drawing closer to signing a deal.

Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday, Netanyahu said that the agreement is “a horrible deal, a dangerous deal, that will pave Iran’s path with gold, a golden-paved highway to a nuclear arsenal.”

“If Iran has nuclear weapons, they don’t merely threaten my country Israel, or the entire Middle East and America’s allies. They threaten you directly,” Netanyahu said ominously.

“Simultaneously with their developing nuclear weapons, they are developing the means to deliver them across continents. You could have an Iran, governed by these fanatic ayatollahs, who will hold every American city hostage to nuclear weapons.”

“I think this is a threat to the peace of the world, and that’s what this horrible deal facilitates. It’s even worse than the first one.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Bibi achieved nothing with his brash attacks on Obama. Lapid has achieved real concessions with his quiet diplomacy..Bibi is all show and bluster. Leading members of Israel’s military and security establishment concur that Bibi and Trump’s tearing up of Iran deal with no viable replacement was a total disaster which allowed Iran to increase uranium production unhindered.

  2. Bibi….you made my day…..every US city hostage oh my, now, how does this affect of effect Israel…..Hashem will let us know….all I know is I must make room for more family M’H……..come home….can’t you see America is going down…Torah is alive in Israel with Jews who love to have their own return…..Bless all of you my family of frum jews and those contemplating….

  3. Biden is very dangerous to America and Israel. President Trump was the best friend Israel had as well as Orthodox Jews. We Orthodox Jews will certainly vote again for him the moment he decides to run which is probably after the November midterm elections. We will hang our Trump flags as we did in the past. For now we are voting Republican down the line. Biden is destroying America in every which way together with his giggling sidekick Kamala.

  4. Who cares what this Zionist heretic (that’s redundant) politician (meaning liar) says?

    And why does a site that calls itself “Yeshiva” World use that heretic’s nick-name, “Bibi”, as if this Zionist is not an enemy of Hashem, His Torah and His people?

    He should be referred to by his name, Benjamin, not a nick-name.

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