“Biden Understands Israel’s Concerns But Is Determined To Rejoin Iran Deal”

Joe Biden ((AP Photo/Matt Slocum, File), Surface to surface missiles displayed by the Revolutionary Guard on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, in 2019 (Photo: AP), Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP, File)

US National Security Council coordinator John Kirby said on Tuesday that US President Joe Biden understands Israel’s concerns about the nuclear deal with Iran but nevertheless, remains determined to rejoin the JCPOA.

Biden apparently not only believes that diplomacy will work to prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining nuclear weapons even as Iranian operatives attempt to murder former senior US officials, but is willing to release hundreds of billions of dollars to the mullahs to continue their terror activities against the US and its allies.

Kirby was asked in an interview with Fox News about the concerns of Israel and nearby Arab countries that the Biden administration’s release of funds to Iran will be used to finance its terror activities.

“Our allies in Israel, they’re not comfortable with it. They’re the prime target. Our Arab allies also not comfortable getting back into a deal with Iran,” said Fox News host Martha MacCallum.

Kirby responded but essentially ignored the issue, instead focusing on President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 deal. “When we were in the deal, Iran was the one that was isolating itself by not accommodating to it, So look, we were isolating ourselves by pulling out,” he said. “It was a decision that was opposed by our European allies and partners and many other countries around the world. Now we want back in the deal. We want Iran back in the deal so that we can eliminate the outcome of them having a nuclear weapon.”

“Biden ‘understands’ the concerns of Israel and neighboring countries, but he remains determined to rejoin the JCPOA and use diplomacy as a means to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities,” Kirby asserted. “Any problem in the Middle East only gets more difficult to solve when you have a nuclear-armed Iran.”

Kirby continued by claiming that the new agreement will involve the “most strenuous inspection” protocols on Iranian facilities.

“This is not about trust. It’s about verify,” he said. “We can get inspectors on the ground and see what the Iranians are doing. If they cheat on the deal, we’ll know. We’ll have a lot [more] of transparency and visibility than we do right now, which is to say, we have none.”

Kirby failed to respond to the concern of Iran using American funds to perpetrate terror activities.

A new report from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) says that the US will be releasing funds to Iran to the tune of $275 billion in the first year. That amount is estimated to balloon to $1 trillion by the early 2030s.

In addition, the deal only delays Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons rather than banning it altogether.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


5 Responses

  1. Since the Biden regime has been in power, we stop getting stimulus checks or aid, prices go up to the point where it’s hard to survive, and Iran will get over a Trillion dollars.

    And I can’t wait to hear what shortages we’re in for this fall. I heard Tomatos and Fed-ex deliveries are going to be in trouble so far. I can’t wait to reelect this team. The crookedness is amazing.

  2. Biden’s problem is total self-confidence without justification. He had same confidence that he understood Taliban, Putin. covid, temporary inflation… unfortunately, he does not have anyone near him who can point this out, as he has no independent operators around him, only people who depended on him for their career.

  3. Shouldn’t surprise one bit, this demented Alzheimer diseased treasonous America hating Marxist DemonRat, last year deliberately left 40 billion dollars worth of the most modern sophisticated weapons to the murderous Taliban.
    This same treasonous zombie, was the only one in Obama’s cabinet who voted against killing that monster Bin Ladin.
    This traitorous so called commander in chief refuses to defend our borders being invaded by millions of illegals and criminals and terrorists , not only doesn’t he defend it, but actually encourages the invasion.
    Why the American people put up with this treasonous rat, is beyond me.
    Why are the Republicans quiet, the should be SCREAMING a day and night IMPEACH IMPEACH this traitor, and put in front of a military tribunal for the crime of high treason.
    God have mercy on this once great country of ours.

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