HaRav Moshe Shternbuch’s Segulah To Avoid Tragedies

HaRav Shternbuch this week at sheva brachos for his grandson. (Photo: Dovid Arzani)

HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch spoke about the many tragedies in Eretz Yisrael in recent weeks over Bein Hazemanim in the course of his weekly shiur last week.

“At a difficult time like this during a multitude of tragedies, Hashem Yishmor, we must daven to Hakadosh Baruch Hu from the depths of our heart,” the Posek HaDor said. “As is known, tefillos create malitzei yosher for a person and they drive away the mikatrigim [accusers]. And if we don’t have the melachim, the malitzei yosher, to advocate good for us, then chas v’shalom, there are destructive melachim who seek to punish us. But if we daven with kavanah, we’re zocheh to melachim, malitzei yosher, who protect us from all evil harm.”

HaRav Shternbuch then spoke about the second nekudah in avoiding tragedies. “It should be known that if we forget to incorporate emunah and bitachon into our life on a day-to-day basis, we make ourselves vulnerable to great danger, that Hakadosh Baruch could abandon us like the does of the field and bring many calamities upon us, Hashem Yishmor.”

“For this is a klal of Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s hanhagah, that in accordance with how much we lift our eyes to Him [depend on Him], He is mashpiah on us an abundance of protection. It’s according to what’s written in Tehillim: ‘יהי חסדך ה’ עלינו כאשר ייחלנו לך.’ On the other hand, if we forget to depend and trust in Him, then we are thrown to the hanhagah of nature, which is paved with disasters, Hashem should protect us.”

“And therefore I instruct those who asked about this [the recent tragedies] that a tested and simple segulah to prevent tragedies and disasters is to trust in Hakadosh Baruch Hu and incorporate emunah and bitachon into everyday life, and thank and praise Hakadosh Baruch Hu for all His chasadim to us. This is the best way to transform the din to goodness.”

“Everyone, and especially bnei hayeshivos, should be mechazeik as much as they can in limmud haTorah, for every hour of limmud with effort and simcha is like a protective wall against evil, rachmana litzlan. And the women should be mechazik in gidrei hatznius and kedushah. Through this, Hashem Yisbarach will help us that we’ll be zohech to hear only good news, yeshuos and nechamos.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I read about another beautiful Segula.
    I was reading a Sefer called
    ותתפלל חנה
    Attorney Reb Yitzchok Friedman is the Mechaber of the Sefer. He gathered about 800 Chiddushim from different Seforim all about the holiness of a Shul and a Bais Medrash. We should try our best to avoid Shmuzzing in a Shul. I guessed about 800 Chiddushim because the Sefer is about 787 pages.
    I am actually amazed and surprised that this tax lawyer who works for a prestigious law firm in Manhattan, that he managed to find time to put together a Sefer about 787 pages all about treating the Shul with respect and minimize Shmuzzing. The Rabbonim in his Sefer make it very clear, that if we respect the holiness of a Shul and a Bais Medrash and we treat it with the proper respect, this will be a mind boggling Segula and Hashem will save us from all kinds of tragedies.

  2. I would like to share with everyone important tips for eye health.
    I did a lot of research.
    Carrots and sweet potatoes have a special vitamin A called beta carotene. This might help to prevent cataract surgery.
    The following vitamins are very good for eye health: Vitamin C, vitamin B complex, biotin, Zinc is very important, calcium, magnesium citrate.
    Vitamin C, B and biotin go together. Calcium, magnesium citrate and zinc are minerals and they work together. Try to wait a half hour in between vitamins and minerals.
    Also I think vitamin C and zinc go together, but don’t add anything else because I think they are the one and only exception to the rule of not mixing vitamins and minerals. I hope I am passing on true information.

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